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For people who work in front end development, what types of creativity works (i.e. design, art, drawing) do you put into your job?

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Chavi’s Answer

The creativity depends on the role you play. If one is a front end developer say for example for a thick client application probably in C# then, the creativity usually is not required, the designer or the business analyst brings in all the creative sauce to the table.

Say, one is designer in that case, the creativity juices just flow wherever, whenever! You never know where one can find their inspiration!

In my case I am a front end developer, I just work according to the requirements sent out to me! So, the amount of creativity that I put in, is 0.
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Eddie’s Answer

Creativity steams out from various sources of inspiration, alright? So, beyond the options of design, art and drawing, the state of your mind is so important. When you're at peace, joyful, and focus you create an atmosphere for your creative energies to blossom, establish and find a base. Are we together?
By virtue of this wonderful atmosphere you've created for creativity to thrive you'll inevitably discover your creative channel, alright? Which could be design, art, drawing or even something as out of the box like taking a shower, yeah! Lol.
Most times, I get profound solutions when singing while having my shower. Lol! Some folks will discover creative strength when even playing etc.
Whereas, design thinking is well appreciated, composing your components (User interface) is more of an art which you'll develop with experience. Drawing most times will serve the need for prototyping which in turn helps drive good communication and team play.
The main thing is to be who you are, make good use of your uniqueness and your creativity will surely flow effortlessly.

Eddie recommends the following next steps:

Don't force your creativity