4 answers
How do you know if your job is the right choice for you?
Do you ever get bored of it or do you ever regret choosing it as a career.
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4 answers
Jacqueline’s Answer
See if you can shadow someone already in that job/career. Use LinkedIn to make some contacts.
Luke’s Answer
I was formerly an engineer and I knew engineering wasn't for me. As you said, I found it to be boring. I don't have any regrets though because it was a good career path to start my professional life and I was able to make a career change and find something that suits me better. That's the benefit of engineering - people regard them highly so it is possible to jump to other fields.
Biana’s Answer
If you find a job boring and dread going in then it is not the right one for you no matter how much it pays. You want a job that interests you, where you feel like you can grow and are respected and that has a good work/life balance.
Sikawayi’s Answer
Hello Iris, thank you for your question. Well to be honest right for you until There is no way of knowing if the path you've chosen is right for you unless you try it, and what I mean by try it is get it at least two years then reevaluate the situation if at that point you feel like you want to take on another career path, I wish you the best of luck.