2 answers
Is it worth going into culinary?
So I took a culinary class in high school and enjoyed it and thought about pursuing this career, but I don't know if going into this field is worth the time and money in the long run.
2 answers
Jim’s Answer
You are young. The whole world is in your hands right. now. It will take you at least two years to really decide. The school of hard knocks is what it is. there will be a lot of frustration, and good times. If you decide it is for you i suggest you take a few more formal classes. It doesnt have to be CIA or Johnson and Wales. But there are basics you will not learn by just walking into a kitchen, unless you have a phenomenal chef. I have 50 years in the business since i was 13. Both formal training, and kitchen training. I always wanted to do it though, so it was easy. Do not expect to be rolling in the dough for a long while though.
Jim Lachance
Jim Lachance
Valerie’s Answer
This is a great idea! I would suggest you look for a summer job (or a weekend job) at a place you like and see how you like it? Not at MacDonald's. Go to a restaurant you like, ask to talk to the chef and/or manager, tell them you want to see if you really like it. Ask them questions, see if they would be willing to offer you a summer job. If they don't, they might know someone who does and might give you some good advice/tips. What is important is to be around people who do what you want to do. You want to become a chef? Be around chefs. This is valid for everything you do.
Is it worth the time and money in the long run? If this is something you like, it will always be worth the time. If you like to cook, you will always like to do it, even if it only in your own kitchen. Whatever you learn will always be useful. Follow your heart and what you want to do.
Once you do some different culinary jobs, you will see what you like most and you then might choose to specialize in something specific (such as pastries only, etc). Find groups on internet in your area (such as South Carolina Cooks, or South Carolina Chefs, etc). Meet them, ask them questions. How did they become successful? What are the pros and cons (they are the experts and they have experience)? Would they have done it differently? Learn from their experience. Try things and move around if you discover you like something else better. You're whole life is in front of you.
Is it worth the time and money in the long run? If this is something you like, it will always be worth the time. If you like to cook, you will always like to do it, even if it only in your own kitchen. Whatever you learn will always be useful. Follow your heart and what you want to do.
Once you do some different culinary jobs, you will see what you like most and you then might choose to specialize in something specific (such as pastries only, etc). Find groups on internet in your area (such as South Carolina Cooks, or South Carolina Chefs, etc). Meet them, ask them questions. How did they become successful? What are the pros and cons (they are the experts and they have experience)? Would they have done it differently? Learn from their experience. Try things and move around if you discover you like something else better. You're whole life is in front of you.
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