What are your recommendations for a first job as a 14yo freshman?
I would really like to have a job as soon as possible so I can make money and save for college and my future, but a lot of jobs here in Fayetteville, Arkansas require you to be 16 years old for a freaking cashier or even a janitor/cleaner! The other reason why I want to start sooner is because my parents almost can’t afford to pay me for house chores and babysitting my sister. I was thinking a starter job like at a grocery store or fast food.
Does anyone know any good jobs in Fayetteville, AR that are right for my age?
4 answers
Briana’s Answer
Federal labor laws state you must be sixteen to start working for a company. In some circumstances, you're allowed to be hired on for a limited amount of hours at 15. Here are a few options where you can start working for a specific rate independently:
- babysitting
- tutoring
- yardwork
- housework
Mrinalini’s Answer
Here's a website with job postings in your area, most of which are for ages 16 and up: https://www.indeed.com/jobs?q=Teen&l=Fayetteville%2C+AR&vjk=01a187ea2ae31116&=&aceid=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMInL2tiozM_gIV2YNLBR3wWgbcEAAYAiAAEgK1h_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&from=mobRdr&utm_source=%2Fm%2F&utm_medium=redir&utm_campaign=dt
I found a potential option for you, which allows candidates to start at age 15: https://www.indeed.com/viewjob?jk=60332b26a67a8d41&tk=1gv3dj46925e4001&from=serp&vjs=3
This job is for a Kid Check Attendant at CEC Entertainment, LLC in Rogers, AR. You might want to try applying for this position and see if they'd be open to considering you based on your circumstances.
Remember, you've already shown so much determination and responsibility, and that's something to be proud of. Keep your head held high, and explore your options! I wish you all the best in your job search and beyond, and GOD Bless you and your family.
Marie’s Answer
Julian’s Answer
As Marie mentioned, the regulations are set by law, and we're unable to make any alterations. But I'm confident that with your dedication and drive, you have great potential to secure scholarships to help with your tuition. Don't shy away from exploring various scholarship opportunities, as your hard work is bound to pay off in the end.
Good luck!