What is the easiest way to study for a cumulative test or final?
My high school does not test midterms and finals. Therefore, I am not quite sure how I will need to study for those types of tests in college. #finals #exams #studying-tips #study-skills #studying #time-management
4 answers
Simeon’s Answer
David’s Answer
Hi Sidney,
A very good question, given that cumulative exams will inevitably show up in your college years as well. There are three things to highlight:
1) What I've found from my experience is to start early and create a calendar on what sections of the material you will cover.
2) Making sure you are always reviewing previous material you are studying on an ongoing basis
3) Spend more time on "older" material since they are probably not as fresh in your mind as the later chapters
Here's an example of what I mean:
Let's assume we are studying for a cumulative final Math exam, which will cover 12 chapters of material, and have ~five weeks in advance to study. See below:
Week 1: Chapters 1-4
Week 2: Chapters 5 - 9, review of Chapters 1 - 2
Week 3: Chapters 9 - 12, review of Chapters 3 - 5
Week 4: Review of Chapters 6 - 9
Week 5: Review of Chapters 10 - 12
I hope this helps!
Yasemin’s Answer
Best of luck!
Katie’s Answer
Hi Sidney!
Good question! I think the easiest way to study for a cumulative test/final is to break it down and study each individual chapter on its own. My strategy is to take one chapter a day starting from the first one, review the chapter and make a detailed study guide off of it. From there I would try to link similar ideas and organize the information in a way I could remember. I would then retake and quiz/test from that chapter to test my knowledge and research anything I got wrong. I would make flashcards of what I got wrong or things I still had trouble on.
Hope this helps!