1 answer
How can I be better and learn faster or ask questions to supervisers in the Criminal Justice field without getting in some sort of trouble?
How can I ask respectfully so that they do not get me in trouble.
1 answer
Faith’s Answer
Hi Frankie. Sometimes asking questions is inevitable. I suggest before asking questions, to do your research. Check textbooks, department standard operating procedures, and other resources before going to your boss for questions. Your supervisor is a great resource but don't allow that to be a crutch for you to lean on. Some ways to ask questions would be:
- Sir/Ma'am, I am having a hard time understanding _______, can you show me what I'm missing?
- Sir/Ma'am, I know I need to do ______, do you have any suggestions on how I could do this more efficiently?
- Sir/Ma'am, I am stuck on _____ in my case, can you help me move forward?
As long as you're honest and respectful unless your boss is a terrible boss, they won't judge you. Just learn from what you asked!
- Sir/Ma'am, I am having a hard time understanding _______, can you show me what I'm missing?
- Sir/Ma'am, I know I need to do ______, do you have any suggestions on how I could do this more efficiently?
- Sir/Ma'am, I am stuck on _____ in my case, can you help me move forward?
As long as you're honest and respectful unless your boss is a terrible boss, they won't judge you. Just learn from what you asked!
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