2 answers
Do you have any advise on how I can enhance my helpfulness to be more equipped to become a pediatrician?
I am 14 and in 8th grade.
2 answers
Kathleen’s Answer
Hello, Charlene. I admire your desire to become a pediatrician. It would be good for you to spend some time volunteering in many capacities with all ages of children to become familiar with their ways of communicating and interacting. Perhaps reading programs at the library or elementary schools, summer camps, spending time with younger neighbors or family members. And if you are still familiar with your former or current pediatrician, see if they will grant you an interview or some time to shadow them. Pediatricians also have to be able to communicate clearly to parents and deal with concerns and responses that may come from the parents, too. Best to you in your education and future endeavors.
Deepa’s Answer
Hello Charlene, it's great to hear you're interested in pediatrics! If I understand your question, here are some suggestions:
Craft questions you have about pediatrics or about being a pediatrician.
Conduct some informational interviews with local pediatricians.
If possible, shadow a pediatrician.
Deepa recommends the following next steps:
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