1 answer
How to become a nun?
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1 answer
Terica’s Answer
A woman aspiring to become a Catholic nun, for instance, must meet certain criteria. She should be at least 18 years old, unmarried, without dependent children, and free from any debts. The prerequisites for Buddhist nuns seeking ordination are quite similar.
The journey to becoming a nun can span from 9 to 12 years, during which the vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience are taken. The first step for an interested woman is to become an Inquirer. In this phase, she makes her first contact with a church and begins to understand more about the process.
Before a woman can make her final or lifelong vows as a nun, she must undergo a minimum of five and a half years of training or "formation". This period is divided into three distinct stages, each designed to foster a deeper understanding of monastic life, its demands, and whether or not it is the individual's true calling.
The journey to becoming a nun can span from 9 to 12 years, during which the vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience are taken. The first step for an interested woman is to become an Inquirer. In this phase, she makes her first contact with a church and begins to understand more about the process.
Before a woman can make her final or lifelong vows as a nun, she must undergo a minimum of five and a half years of training or "formation". This period is divided into three distinct stages, each designed to foster a deeper understanding of monastic life, its demands, and whether or not it is the individual's true calling.