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What is a successful Career ?

Hi, my name is Charlotte. I'm 14 years old grade 10th student. I want to have a successful Career but I don't even know what a successful Career is.

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12 answers

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Mayuri’s Answer

Hey there, Charlotte! It's absolutely fantastic that you're already considering your future career path at such a tender age. Having a successful career is certainly about more than just earning a good income.

1. Feeling Fulfilled-A truly successful career should leave you feeling satisfied and fulfilled. This means you should love what you do each day and feel that your work is meaningful and making a positive difference in some way.

2.Passion- Ideally, your career should line up with your passions and interests. When you love what you do, it doesn't feel like work; instead, it becomes something you eagerly anticipate and are thrilled about.

3. Never-Ending Growth- A successful career provides room for constant growth and learning. It's crucial to choose a field where there are plenty of opportunities for you to develop and progress, whether through further education, training courses, or learning from real-life work experiences.

4. Balancing Work and Life- A successful career should also offer a healthy balance between work and personal life. While it's essential to be dedicated and work hard, it's just as important to make time for hobbies, family, and taking care of yourself.

5. Making a Positive Impact- Whether it's lending a helping hand to others, contributing to innovative ideas, or bringing about positive changes in society, a successful career should give you the chance to make a real difference in the world.

Remember, Charlotte, everyone's idea of a successful career is different, and it's perfectly fine if your understanding of success evolves over time. The most crucial thing is to follow a path that brings you joy, satisfaction, and a sense of purpose. Continue to explore your interests and passions, and never hesitate to try new things as you journey towards your future career.
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Mark’s Answer

Seek out a profession that brings you joy, and one where competition is less fierce. Remember, your High School Guidance Counselor is a seasoned professional who can provide valuable insights into your query too.
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Kira’s Answer

Hi Charlotte, so I had the same experience with you when I was young. I say to do something you love, for example for me it is international business because that means I can do any job in the business field. So I first say you find what you like to do then you go from there.
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Rebecca’s Answer

Thank you for your question. How do you define success? I think the most important is to find out what career you have interest. If you have interest in the career, you can make great achievement in your career.
Below are my suggestions :
1. Think about what you have interest, e.g. your favourite subjects, favourite subjects, etc. and identify related careers
E.g. If you like music, would you like to be musician, singer, musical artist, music composer, music producer, etc.
If you have interest in maths, would you like to an accountant, engineer, banker, financial analyst, maths teacher, etc.
2. Find out more on these careers and determine what you have interest
3. Speak to someone who are working in these careers. Seek guidance from your mentor, school career counsellor, your parents, etc.
4. Shortlist 1-2 careers you would like to pursue
5. Explore the entry criteria of relevant subjects in colleges
Hope this helps! Good Luck!
May Almighty God bless you!
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Charlotte,

What is a Successful Career?

A successful career can be defined as a fulfilling and rewarding professional journey that aligns with an individual’s personal goals, values, and aspirations. It involves achieving a sense of accomplishment, growth, and satisfaction in one’s chosen field of work. Success in a career is not solely measured by financial wealth or status but also by factors such as job satisfaction, work-life balance, personal development, and contribution to society.

Key Components of a Successful Career:

Passion and Interest: One of the key elements of a successful career is pursuing a profession that aligns with your passions and interests. When you are passionate about your work, you are more likely to stay motivated, engaged, and committed to achieving your goals.

Continuous Learning and Growth: A successful career involves continuous learning and skill development. Embracing opportunities for growth, acquiring new knowledge, and honing your skills are essential for staying competitive in today’s dynamic job market.

Setting Clear Goals: Establishing clear career goals and objectives is crucial for mapping out your professional path. Setting achievable milestones and working towards them methodically can help you stay focused and on track towards success.

Adaptability and Resilience: In the face of challenges or setbacks, being adaptable and resilient is vital for navigating through obstacles in your career journey. Flexibility in adapting to changes and the ability to bounce back from failures are important traits of successful individuals.

Networking and Building Relationships: Building a strong professional network can open doors to new opportunities, collaborations, mentorship, and support in advancing your career. Cultivating meaningful relationships within your industry can enhance your visibility and credibility.

Work-Life Balance: Achieving a successful career also involves maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Prioritizing self-care, setting boundaries between work and personal life, and nurturing relationships outside of work contribute to overall well-being and long-term success.


In conclusion, a successful career encompasses more than just financial achievements; it involves finding fulfillment, growth, purpose, and balance in one’s professional life. By following your passions, continuously learning and growing, setting clear goals, being adaptable, building relationships, and prioritizing well-being, you can pave the way for a rewarding and successful career journey.

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used:

Harvard Business Review: A reputable source known for its insightful articles on leadership development, career advancement strategies, workplace trends, and personal growth.

Forbes: A widely recognized business magazine that offers valuable insights on entrepreneurship, career advice, industry trends, leadership tips, and success stories from influential professionals.

LinkedIn Learning: An educational platform that provides online courses on various topics related to career development, soft skills enhancement, leadership training, technology skills acquisition, and personal branding strategies.

James Constantine Frangos.
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Jerome’s Answer

Beautiful this is that you get to define what that means for you. With so may different paths available, you can define success for yourself.

For me, I love supporting people and giving back to the community. I have a sales role with a restaurant that allows me to support local non-profits .work with amazing people and visit places like the SF Exploratorium for free. Job pays well and I can take care of my family. Literally checks all of the boxes I have on my list.

Imagine you are getting an award later in life for the work you did. What do you think that award would be for? Doing this exercise has helped others I support start to figure out what they want to do.
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Jocelyn’s Answer

Hello Charlotte,

The true measure of a successful career is how it affects your personal life. I'd suggest choosing a profession that you're passionate about, one that makes you excited to get up in the morning and be productive. It's also important to find an organization that aligns with your values within your chosen field.

Consider the balance between your work and personal life, as well as benefits like personal time off, leave policies, and health coverage. A fantastic way to narrow down your career choices is by doing internships while you're in college. This gives you a chance to dip your toes in different fields and see what suits you best.

I understand that planning for the future can seem overwhelming when you're young, but it doesn't have to be. If you do your homework and actively seek experiences in your areas of interest, you'll find the right path for you. Best of luck to you!

Jocelyn recommends the following next steps:

Access Your Potential is an ecosystem of learning, support and connections for Black and Latino/Hispanic college students, across all fields of study, as they explore their future careers. You will have access to mentorship with PwC professionals, paid consulting externships and free curriculums to help you grow and discover what you want for your career.
For more information:
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Andrew’s Answer


Your question is open ended and I will provide some specifics. A successful career may look different for different careers/jobs.

- Being financially stable. Does the job pay for your bills and living expenses?

- Reptuation: Are you proud to work for this company? Do they share similar values/beliefs as you like community involvement?

- Work/Life balance: Are you able to relax on the weekends without thinking about work? Do they expect employees to work extended hours often?

- Rewarding. Do you enjoy going to work? Are you inspired or excited to go to work?

- Growth. Does it provide a challenge or are you constantly learning? Is there a path to being promoted?

- Recognition. Does your company/team show that you are a valued employee?

- Manager. Do you respect your manager and value their opinion? Are they hard to work with or easy compared to previous managers?
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Jerel’s Answer

Hi Charlotte!

It's great to hear that you're already thinking about your future career at such a young age. Defining what a successful career means to you is an important step in planning for your future. While the definition of success may vary from person to person, here are some key aspects to consider:

1. Personal Fulfillment: A successful career should bring you a sense of personal fulfillment and satisfaction. It should align with your passions, interests, and values. Think about what activities or subjects you enjoy the most and consider how you can incorporate them into your career path.

2. Growth and Development: A successful career should provide opportunities for continuous growth and development. Look for fields or industries that offer room for advancement, ongoing learning, and skill-building. This can include attending workshops, pursuing higher education, or gaining practical experience through internships or apprenticeships.

3. Work-Life Balance: A successful career should allow you to maintain a healthy work-life balance. It's important to find a career that allows you to pursue your professional goals while also having time for personal interests, hobbies, and relationships. Consider the flexibility and lifestyle that different careers offer.

4. Financial Stability: Financial stability is often a component of a successful career. It's important to consider the earning potential and job prospects in your chosen field. Research the average salaries and growth opportunities to ensure that your career choice can provide the financial stability you desire.

5. Impact and Contribution: A successful career can also be measured by the impact and contribution you make in your chosen field. Think about how you can use your skills and knowledge to make a positive difference in the lives of others or in society as a whole. This can be through innovation, leadership, advocacy, or community involvement.

I wish you all the best in your pursuit of a successful career, Charlotte. Remember to stay curious, explore your options, and follow your passions.
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Josefa’s Answer

Hi Charlotte, excellent question!
First and foremost, over time careers can change! And, there are different factors that can attribute to said change, like technology, market trends, labour pools. So, like when you were 5 yrs old and someone asked you what do you want to be when you grow up, and at that time you may have said an Astronaut! But, today at 14 yrs. old, not so much. Your career options are wide open and the greatest success is genuinely loving what you're doing! There are no titles, money, or power that will make you happy and feel successful if you hate what you, now is the time for good study, make great grades, have fun with learning (even the more challenging tasks) learn as much as you can because all of this will be the foundation for a successful career path!
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Martha’s Answer

What an interesting question for a 14-year-old to ask, Charlotte. Everyone has their own answer for this based on their background and values. As. you think about it more and gain more experience, you will have your own measures.

For example, if money felt scarce as you were growing up, you might emphasis income as a success factor. If service to others was encouraged, you might focus on how many you help or how much you help as success factors. For some, being able to pursue hobbies or manage family life are important, so they would emphasize work-life balance as a success factor. I suspect that for most of us, the answer combines many factors.

It was a good idea to ask in a forum like this one. I also would suggest asking adults in your family who work outside the home to share their perspectives. And look for articles like the one below that suggest ways to measure success. But your measures should be ones that matter to you. And be aware that they may change in different stages of your life. For example, work-life balance may become more important to you if you choose to have a family or income may become more important if you want to purchase a home.

Good luck!

Martha recommends the following next steps:

Measuring Career Success -
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G’s Answer

Hello Charlotte!
Kudos to you for having goals, girlfriend!

I realize in HS you are very busy and it can be difficult and these are suggestions:

You COULD begin your successful career now by volunteering.

I believe volunteering gives you an opportunity to realize your passions and see if a particular field is a good fit for you.

Example: If a career in teaching is something you are interested in, local daycare centers are always looking for help (during a school recess?). Keep in mind that this is a population of littles and requires a bit of patience - lol

If you have an interest in veterinary care, maybe you could reach out to your local SPCA and volunteer there. I know they are always looking for help.

job shadowing a person who works in a field you have an interested in - this gives you a 'hands-on' and realtime view of day-to-day business.

I believe there is a shortage of trades people (electricians, plumbers, carpenters) and perhaps this is an idea for you.

As a veteran, i know the military offers many opportunities and you can pick and choose career paths and military stations sometimes - obviously this is a high demand option but they do offer college paths/benefits and if you decide to get out after 3 years, you'll be 21 years old!

As a veteran teacher, I do know that there is a HIGH DEMAND for girls in science and mathematics so keep in mind there may be many scholarships and student aid available to you should you decide to go that route. I personally know a friend's daughter who got her degree in mechanical engineering and was hired immediately upon graduation with a lofty salary.

I hope this helps you and God Bless you on your journey! :)