Career questions tagged teacher

How can I be able to get elevated in Math?
I am in 7th grade standard math right now, and I really want to get into Algebra 1 next year for math, are there any resources to help me learn pre-algebra/8th grade math? There is a summer placement test for this so are there any recommendations for textbooks, or resources

What are some challenges of being an educator?
I want to get to know the profession a little bit better and I want to know what are some challenges teachers face.

Hi Yoonji Kim I wanted to ask you how old do you have to be to start college applications ?
I am a sixth grader and I am 12 I wanted to start browsing for pre college applications to study and start my career as a author who write's about kpop stuff and fantasy, drama, romance please tell me some suggestions

What are the best Coursera courses for someone planning to major in education or become a teacher ?
I asked that to help someone find the best Coursera courses that align with their goal of becoming a teacher or majoring in education. There are tons of courses out there, but not all of them are useful for someone pursuing teaching as a career. This question helps narrow down the best options!

Hi Everyone, Im a seventh grader taking pre-college teaching classes, but I don't know where to please??
Im a seventh grader, from meridian ms..I know I want to be a teacher and I'm taking classes(yay me!) but, I don't know how to continue my studies if I don't know extra information.

What are the typical schooling, ESL teachers have to go through?
I plan to become an ESL teacher in the near future. I plan to study in secondary education if I am able to go to college. I have always wanted a way to help those who don't speak English as their first language.

questions for gym coaches?
1. Can you tell me about the types of tasks you are responsible for on a day-to-day basis? 2. What do you enjoy most about your career? 3. What is most challenging about your career? 4. What are some skills and personality traits necessary to perform your job? 5. What are some misconceptions about your career? 6. What made you decide to be a gym teacher? 7. How long did it take you to become a gym teacher 8. What education do you need to become a gym teacher 9. What is the best part of your career 10. What is the worst part of your career

What are some ways to manage classrooms effectively in primary schools?
I would like to know and if there is may tips or advices I would be happy to get. Perhaps if you can give me some skills to start with.

What do I need to know to become a teacher ?
I am in class 10 and want to prepare before hand. I don't know how to start right now. What are some tips and skills I need to get started. Can I make it to becoming g a teacher. I feel like I am not good enough.

How should I divide my observation hours amongst different speech therapy settings ?
I am very set on being a speech teacher, though I'd like to explore other placements. What would you recommend for someone who is interested in teaching?

How will I know that I chose the right career path for me? What signs do I look for to determine that I am on the right path to becoming a teacher?
I love children and enjoy helping them learn new things. I just want to make sure that education is the field for me.

What is the hardest part of becoming an elementary school teacher, and do you wish that you pursued a different career?
I am a high school senior and I am kind of on the fence about elementary education. I want to major in it, and I plan to, but I am a little unsure if I want to become an elementary school teacher or a school counselor.

every thing you know before star the jeb of the teacher?
every thing you know before star the jeb of the teacher?

this is not a question but a thank you!!!
I just want to say to all the people that answerd my questions thank you!!❤️ I have learned so much from all the teachers and just this website. I now know thing that teaching has to offer the good and bad. so thank you all and I very much appreciate all of you guys THANK YOU ☺️❤️

Does teaching affect your mental health?
I'm not a teacher but I want to make sure that my future self is ok and if there is any tips to help your mental health I would like to know.

why don't teachers like teaching anymore/ leaving teaching ?
I am 16 and plan on becoming a teacher but I'm having second thoughts. I always wanted to become a teacher and I didn't really care about the pay yeah its not the best but If I like the job then that's all that matters but everywhere I go I see negative things about teaching and people saying that they regret becoming a teacher. so if you are a teacher please be honest tell me if its as bad as they say it is and disprove it because I am out of options and I wouldn't know what else to do.

How to Ask My Ochem Professor for Leniency?
Hi, I don’t know if this is the right place to ask, but I really need advice. I’m currently failing Organic Chemistry, but I’m only a few points away from passing. This semester has been really hard for me, both academically and personally. I’m trying to figure out if there’s a way to bargain with my professor or what I can do to improve my situation. Has anyone been in a similar position? Is it worth reaching out to my professor to explain my circumstances and see if there’s anything I can do to make up the points? I’d really appreciate any advice on how to handle this. Thanks in advance for your help!