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What steps do I need to take to choose a career?

What steps do I need to take to choose a career?

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Doc’s Answer

Valarie think of your career path as more of a theme that specific definitions fall under. For example, career pathways have more to do with your educational background, interests, and skills to get you started in a particular field. So, when it's time to start or make a move, spend time examining your interests, values, skills, and goals. This will help you gain the clarity needed to choose a career you'll find engaging and rewarding.

Your hobbies and activities can be an excellent starting point for choosing a career. For example, if you like drawing, you could consider a career in graphic design, architecture or another creative field. You should be able to envision yourself spending a lot of time doing the tasks associated with your career, so starting with your hobbies and interests can help you choose a career path that you'll enjoy.

Your natural abilities and talents can also be an indicator of possible career matches. Pursuing skills you already have can help you uncover an engaging career that you may not have been aware of. People with a strong aptitude for math, for example, could be successful as an accountant, a data analyst or an engineer. If you want to develop new skills in a particular area, research the kinds of careers that value those skills and will give you opportunities to grow them.

Different careers have different expectations and work environments so it's important to think about your ideal work/life balance. Careers in healthcare often require long hours and may even involve evenings and weekends. Other careers might allow you a more flexible schedule or even let you work from home. Think about whether you want a job that involves travel, how many hours you want to work each week and any other aspects of your lifestyle that are important to you.

Take into account your personal values and beliefs when considering different career paths. Some people seek careers where they can make an impact or contribute to a social cause, while others look for employers who embody their core beliefs. If you value family and personal time, you might look for a career path that allows you to have a strong work-life balance. Determining your most important values can help you be strategic about pursuing work that embodies them.

Your personality can be another deciding factor when selecting a job to pursue. Extroverts might seek positions where they interact with many colleagues or customers, while introverts might prefer to work more independently. Decide whether you want to work in a fast-paced environment or prefer a slower pace. When reflecting on your personality, think about what motivates you to complete tasks and what jobs provide conditions where your personality can thrive.

Your career path can significantly impact your earning potential, so spend time thinking about your short-term and long-term financial goals. Calculate how much you can afford to invest in your career through education or business start-up costs and think about the salary you need to earn to maintain your ideal lifestyle. Once you understand your financial needs you can select career paths that provide you with the opportunity to earn your target salary.

Some jobs require years of higher education and specialized training. Consider how long you are willing or able to spend in school before starting on a new career path. If you enjoy learning in a classroom environment you may excel in an academic career, while if you prefer to learn through hands-on experience you could pursue a trade or look for a career that has opportunities for growth from entry-level positions.
Thank you comment icon Excellent advice. It is comprehensive. Janardan Revuru
Thank you comment icon Thank You Janardan. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. Doc Frick
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Janardan’s Answer

Dear Valerie,
Few more points in addition to what others covered.

Some interests could be generational or situational. For example, when 9/11 happened in America, many kids aspired to be Firefighters. Or when man on moon was landed, kids dreamt of becoming astronauts. Watchout for your real interests than going with the “tide”.

I would advise doing “Informational interviews”. These are not a discussion for job, but to understand your future roles in bit more detailed. For example, talking to a Data scientist may reveal that, it is equally or more important to get right quality of data.

If you are not sure of your interests, starting in one direction or one interest is better than not taking action at all.

All the best.

Janardan recommends the following next steps:

Find a contact in your friends and family circle, someone in your interested career path
Request for an “Informational interview”
Seek advice and make notes
Take concrete next steps to explore
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Ruth’s Answer

I would do research and explore different pathways in different fields. It will give you a basic idea of what career opportunities that you want to do.
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James Constantine’s Answer

Dear Valerie,

Here's a comprehensive guide to help you select a career:

1. Know Yourself:

Begin by examining your interests, values, abilities, and personality. This self-awareness will aid in pinpointing careers that resonate with who you are.

2. Investigate Career Paths:

Dive into various sectors and occupations to understand the possibilities out there. Reflect on aspects like job prospects, earning potential, necessary qualifications, and the nature of the work environment.

3. Formulate Goals:

Based on your self-analysis and research, construct definitive career goals. Determine your own definition of success and plan the steps necessary to reach it.

4. Acquire Experience:

Get real-world exposure through internships, part-time work, volunteering, or shadowing professionals in areas you're interested in. This direct experience can confirm your career selection or open up new avenues.

5. Get Advice:

Engage with career advisors, mentors, or professionals in your chosen field for insights and advice. Their wisdom can offer valuable viewpoints and assist you in making well-informed choices.

6. Pursue Education and Training:

Identify the educational prerequisites for your selected career and chase relevant degrees, certifications, or training programs to boost your skills and credentials.

7. Establish Connections:

Cultivate a professional network by linking with people in your preferred industry. Networking can lead to job openings, mentorship, and valuable contacts that can foster your career progression.

8. Decide:

After comprehensive self-evaluation, research, goal-setting, experience-gathering, advice-seeking, education/training, and networking, make an educated decision about the career path that best aligns with your ambitions and strengths.

9. Stay Flexible:

Remember, career selection isn't always a straight path. Be ready to adapt to shifts in the job market, industry trends, and opportunities for personal growth throughout your career journey.

By methodically following these steps and carefully considering each aspect of career selection, you'll enhance your chances of discovering a satisfying and rewarding career that aligns with your interests and objectives.

Top 3 Credible Sources Used in Formulating this Guide:

The Balance Careers: This trusted online platform offers expert guidance on various facets of careers, including job hunting, resume crafting, interview strategies, and career growth tactics.

Indeed Career Guide: Indeed's Career Guide provides extensive details on diverse careers, industry trends, job search methods, resume tips, salary guides, and professional development resources.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS): The BLS, a government agency, collects data on labor market activity in the U.S. It provides in-depth information on job outlooks, employment forecasts, industry/occupation wages, and educational prerequisites for various professions, among other career-related insights.

May God Bless You,
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Rebecca’s Answer

Thank you for your question. Many students have similar question. Firstly, you need to find out what careers you have interest.
Below are my suggestions :
1. Think about what you have interest, e.g. our hobbies, favourite subjects, etc. and identify the related careers
E.g. If you like music, would you like to be a musician, musical artist, singer, music producer, music composer, etc.
If you have interest in maths, would you like to be an accountant, engineer, banker, financial analyst, maths teacher, etc.
2. Find out more on these careers and determine what you have interest
3. Speak to someone who are working in these careers. Seek guidance from your mentor, school career counsellor, your parents, etc.
4. Shortlist 1-2 careers you would like to pursue
5. Explore the entry criteria of relevant subjects in colleges
Hope this helps! Good Luck!
May Almighty God bless you!
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Reena’s Answer

Hi Valerie!

Choosing a career can feel overwhelming, but it's an exciting adventure too! Here are some steps to help you navigate the process:

Unleash your inner explorer! Think about the things you love to do in your free time. Do you enjoy creating art and using your imagination? Are you a whiz at solving puzzles and figuring things out? Maybe you love helping people or working with animals. Write down all your interests and hobbies – there might be some hidden clues about your dream career!

Skill up! What are you good at in school? Do you excel at writing, math, science, or something else entirely? These strengths can point you towards specific career paths. Don't forget about the "soft skills" you might have, like communication, teamwork, or leadership – these are valuable in any job.

Future Forecast: Imagine yourself in a few years. What kind of lifestyle do you want? Do you crave a fast-paced environment or a more relaxed atmosphere? Where do you see yourself living and working? Thinking about your ideal future can help narrow down your career options.

Dive Deeper: Once you have a few ideas in mind, it's research time! Talk to your teachers, school counselor, or anyone in a field that interests you. There are also tons of online resources and career websites that can give you more information about specific jobs and their requirements.

Test Drive Your Options: Many schools offer career exploration programs or volunteer opportunities. This is a great way to get hands-on experience and see if a particular career path is a good fit for you.

Remember, choosing a career is a journey, not a destination. Don't be afraid to explore different options and change your mind along the way. The most important thing is to pick something that excites you and gives you a sense of purpose!

Thank you comment icon Test drive is an excellent suggestion Janardan Revuru