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How do I become a better singer/dancer?

Hi, I am Zoe, I'm in 6th grade, and I like singing and dancing. Iwant to prepare for a singing/dancing audition. I have been practicing singing and dancing, but I'm not improving. My vocal range is not broad, but I don't know how to improve it. ?

Thank you comment icon I have significantly improved with the advice all of you have given, thankyou so much. I feel more confident about my audition Zoe

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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Zoe!

How to Become a Better Singer and Dancer

Improving your singing and dancing skills requires dedication, practice, and proper training. Here are some steps you can take to enhance your abilities in both areas:

1. Vocal Training for Singing:

Warm-Up Exercises: Start each practice session with vocal warm-up exercises to prepare your voice for singing. This helps prevent strain and improves vocal flexibility.
Breathing Techniques: Proper breathing is essential for singing. Practice diaphragmatic breathing to support your voice and improve vocal control.
Pitch Accuracy: Work on matching pitches accurately by practicing scales, intervals, and melodic patterns.
Vocal Range Expansion: To broaden your vocal range, work with a vocal coach who can guide you through exercises tailored to your voice type.
Articulation and Pronunciation: Clear articulation and proper pronunciation enhance the quality of your singing. Practice enunciating lyrics clearly.

2. Dance Training:

Physical Conditioning: Strengthening your body through regular exercise can improve your stamina, flexibility, and overall performance as a dancer.
Dance Classes: Enroll in dance classes that focus on different styles such as ballet, jazz, hip-hop, or contemporary to diversify your skills.
Practice Routine: Develop a consistent practice routine to work on techniques, choreography, and musicality.
Performance Skills: Focus on expressing emotions through movement and engaging with the audience during performances.

3. Audition Preparation:

Select Suitable Material: Choose songs or dance routines that showcase your strengths and style while challenging you to grow.
Seek Feedback: Record yourself singing and dancing to evaluate your performance objectively. Consider seeking feedback from teachers or mentors.
Confidence Building: Work on building confidence in your abilities through practice, positive self-talk, and visualization techniques.

4. Additional Tips:

Consistency is Key: Regular practice is crucial for improvement in singing and dancing. Set aside dedicated time each day to work on both skills.
Stay Inspired: Watch performances by professional singers and dancers to draw inspiration and learn from their techniques.
Seek Guidance: Consider taking lessons from experienced instructors who can provide personalized feedback and guidance.

By following these steps consistently and seeking guidance from professionals in the field, you can enhance your singing and dancing abilities over time.

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used in Answering this Question:

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP): The AAP provides guidelines on physical activity for children, including the benefits of dance as a form of exercise for overall health.
National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS): NATS offers resources on vocal training techniques, repertoire selection, and finding qualified voice teachers for aspiring singers.
Dance Magazine: Dance Magazine covers various aspects of dance training, performance tips, audition preparation advice, and insights from industry professionals.

God Bless!
Thank you comment icon You rock! This advice is very helpful. Zoe
Thank you comment icon Video of my singing and dancing on my website Diane
Thank you comment icon Thank You For Wonderful Comments. James Constantine Frangos
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Jose’s Answer

I can offer advice about singing to you. Practice going up and down in your throat imagining it to be the music scale. A music teacher instructed me once to breathe out a soft breath while singing which makes the sound softer and takes away the shrillness in the sound. Practice singing in the lower registers which will help eliminate the air pockets when singing in a higher voice. Singing in the more bass tones also gives a deep and rich color to the voice. Practice repeating going back and forth in the registers: chest, throat, head i.e. low voice through medium and into high and reverse the process. Try singing in as low and deep a voice as you can. Make it seem like an echo going downwards as if in a cave and then move up the scale to higher pitches. Work on consciously relaxing your jaw.
Lastly, have you heard singing that has moved you to feel emotional? Stirring up emotions or what is called "moving somebody's heart strings with your voice" is a sign of a good singer. I say all of this to remind you to go to the auditions and do your best but remember you sing because you love to sing and you help other people with your voice. If you have not heard it already, I hope you begin to hear people tell you something like this; 'wow, I was really having a bad day but I heard you singing and it really brightened up my day, thank you." This second paragraph applies to your dancing as well. What I am telling you about here has to do with being an artist. Good luck to you, child, I wish you all the best!
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George F’s Answer

Hi Zoe, I would suggest the best thing to do at this point is to work at mastering your skills. See if you can find an instructor that's already a master, and knows how to teach.
Thank you comment icon I appreciate this, thank you! Zoe
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John’s Answer

Hi Zoe!
It's so wonderful that you're singing and dancing. Your skills will definitely improve over time - but it takes lots of practice. So try to be patient and keep at it. Don't give up no matter what.

I would recommend trying some vocal lessons. If you haven't already - you could sign up for choir or glee club at school (and church) so you'll get lots of regular singing time. Also there are quite a few free lessons online - here's a link to a one week course:
Also you need to take good care of your vocal instrument and here are some ways to focus on that:

For dancing, my advice is similar - but there is no substitute for dance training. Many people try to learn dance on their own and later on have to "unlearn" the poor habits they've developed. See if you can find dance classes in your area and give them a try. I know you'll learn a lot in a short time there and then look for opportunities where you can perform - local fairs, dance clubs, and competitions are a good way to start.

Good luck on your journey - and have fun!
Thank you comment icon Thankyou so much for this! Zoe
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Michelle’s Answer

Hello, Zoe !

It is so wonderful to know that you are preparing for an audition and many things are probably running through your mind about it. You have nothing to worry about because you are diligently practicing for this audition. It's going to be perfectly fine to bring your current abilities to this audition.

Now, it's going to also depend on what type of audition it is and for what show and if it is in school or a major production in the community. Be that as it may be, let's just say that you have to work with what you have now and enjoy the audition experience and take away a lesson from it. Each audition is practice and a learning experience. Once you become professional, you can give an opening night performance at an audition, so take it a bit slow and remember that you will always have something special to show at an audition.

At this time, the internet is your best friend. You can watch so many videos of people presenting voice exercises that can increase your resonance and range. Just do a search on You Tube and practice the exercises daily until you go for the audition. I am almost sure that you can find dance instruction on You Tube, also.

The most basic thing that is long range that would help you increase your singing voice would be to take both private singing lessons in person and group singing lessons in person. You need feedback on how you sound and you also need movement and expression training as a singer. You don't have to think about all this right now, but for the future, those are things that will be very useful in your progress. There is no magic involved and we do not suddenly reach a certain range or ability - it's all a process. I personally found that both private as well as group voice lessons were equally helpful.

My advice for the audition is to emphasize what you are good at. Pick a song that you love the best. If your heart is in it, it will show. Exude confidence by way of a friendly smile. Do not cut yourself off, hold your hands and arms behind your back and open yourself up to the auditors. You are going to see that auditions only get easier and better as time goes on. Most of all, do not give up and do not underestimate yourself.

Always try to learn everything you can about the show or type of show you will be auditioning for. That will be a natural way to connect to how you should do the audition, which song you should choose for your audition and you will feel more connected once you are at the audition site.

I hope this is helpful and I wish you all the best results on your audition ! You can do it !
Thank you comment icon I appreciate this, thank you for the advice. Zoe
Thank you comment icon You are very welcome, Zoe ! Michelle M.
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Austin’s Answer

Hello and good morning.
There's an old saying that goes like this;"How does one play or perform at Carnegie Hall? PRACTICE, PRACTICE AND PRACTICE."It may not even make you the best performer or whatever it is you're trying to do but what it will do is make you more proficient and what it is that you're trying to do. How we ll you do in your craft is how well you prepare yourself and only you can determine that by what did we say, PRACTICE, PRACTICE AND PRACTICE. GOD BLESS!!
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William’s Answer

Do a music vocal and dance personal SWOT and personal needs analysis to guide you better.

Music has vocal (studio) and vocal (opera); while dancing has dance (solo) and choreography (group).

Berklee School of Music is a good place to learn music from any location via their online programs.

A basic music singing and dance SWOT analysis is below.

- Great voice.
- Great energy.
- Socialite.
- Strong communication.
- Creativity through performance.
- Team working.

Weaknesses are personal and individual specific, but these weakness might affect the career of a vocalist and dancer due to career influence.
- Pride develops due to success syndrome or mentality.
- Outlandish lifestyle to attract people.
- Focus on fans and followers.
- Competitions for control and toping the chat could dominate an individual.
- Focus on privacy and personal security for music performers in the highs of their careers.
- Demand pull of concerts, tours and travels, shows, production and shooting sessions can be overwhelming and lead to burnout.

- Great physical fitness due to rigorous body movements in dancing.
- Could earn high income if successful.
- Better goodwill for successful music performers who becomes public figures.
- Large network and affiliations which could be monetized as in YouTube and other social media.
- Showering of accolades in the form of trophies or medals, awards, and recognitions that are common to musical voice and dance performers who excel in their careers.

- Minor errors and misdeeds makes headlines in the public media.
- Tendency for public scrutiny due to people x-raying into an individual's personal life.
- Higher tendency for pitfalls like tax breach, sexual misconduct, and substance abuse which has high frequency of occurrence among music celebrities could affect an individual who loose self control and self discipline.
- Negligence of marriages and families due to overly demanding work could result in failed parenting, and broken homes.
- Important matters like relationships and worship could be traded as opportunity costs for successful career.