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why teaches young people?

young people?

Thank you comment icon To guide and empower them to reach their full potential and succeed in various aspects of life (E.g., career as what CareerVillage is aiming to achieve). Will Xue, CFA

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Jane S.’s Answer

Because young people will be the next leaders and deciders of where we will go as a civilization.
You want to model good decisions and good behavior for them.
You want to show them how to think and how to ask good questions so they don’t just follow mindless instructions.
You want to teach young people how to think for themselves!
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Shirley’s Answer

Hi Carmela,

Teaching the younger generation requires patience and empathy. The younger generation is our future, and we can impart our wisdom to help them achieve their full potential in hopes they will do the same with the next generation. If you take a moment to think about your family traditions, language and stories, a parent/guardian recounted them to preserve the sentimental value, so you can pass them on.
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Luchelle’s Answer

Hi, I'm going to assume you are asking the importance of teaching young people. If that is the case, it is important to teach young people skills that would benefit them throughout their lives so they grow more confident, independent and resilient.
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Carmela!

Why Teach Young People?

Teaching young people is a multifaceted endeavor that serves various purposes and benefits both the individuals being taught and society as a whole. Below, we will explore several key reasons why teaching young people is essential.

1. Empowerment and Personal Development

One of the primary reasons for teaching young people is to empower them. Education provides the tools necessary for individuals to understand themselves, their capabilities, and their potential. Through learning, young people can develop critical thinking skills, creativity, and emotional intelligence. This empowerment enables them to make informed decisions about their lives, careers, and relationships.

2. Career Preparation

In today’s rapidly changing job market, education plays a crucial role in preparing young people for future careers. Teaching equips students with essential skills such as problem-solving, communication, teamwork, and technical abilities that are highly valued by employers. Furthermore, exposure to various subjects allows students to discover their interests and passions, guiding them toward suitable career paths.

3. Social Skills and Community Engagement

Education is not just about academic knowledge; it also fosters social skills that are vital for personal interactions and community involvement. Young people learn how to collaborate with others, respect diverse perspectives, and engage in civic responsibilities through group projects and discussions. These experiences help cultivate responsible citizens who contribute positively to society.

4. Cultural Awareness and Global Perspective

In an increasingly interconnected world, teaching young people about different cultures and global issues is essential. Education encourages open-mindedness and cultural sensitivity by exposing students to various viewpoints and traditions. This awareness helps prepare them to navigate a diverse world effectively while promoting tolerance and understanding among different communities.

5. Lifelong Learning Mindset

Instilling a love for learning in young people is one of the most significant gifts educators can provide. By fostering curiosity and encouraging exploration beyond formal education settings, teachers help students develop a lifelong learning mindset. This attitude prepares them to adapt to new challenges throughout their lives—whether in further education or personal growth endeavors.

6. Building Resilience

Teaching young people also involves helping them build resilience—the ability to bounce back from setbacks or failures. Through educational experiences that challenge them academically or socially, students learn coping strategies that enhance their emotional strength. This resilience is crucial for navigating life’s inevitable ups and downs.

7. Innovation and Future Problem Solving

Young minds are often filled with fresh ideas and innovative solutions to problems facing society today. By teaching young people how to think critically about issues such as climate change, technology advancements, or social justice matters, educators empower them to become future leaders who can drive positive change in the world.


In summary, teaching young people serves numerous vital functions—from empowering individuals through personal development to preparing them for successful careers while fostering social responsibility and cultural awareness. The impact of education extends far beyond the classroom; it shapes future generations capable of addressing complex global challenges with creativity and resilience.

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used:

National Education Association (NEA): A leading organization advocating for public education which provides insights on the importance of teaching.
World Economic Forum (WEF): Offers research on future job markets emphasizing the need for educational reform.
UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization): Focuses on global educational initiatives highlighting the role of education in societal development.