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Hi everyone, I'm a programming student, I need tips for learning more and don't forget what I learned, thanks :)

I'm 17 years old, but I forget what I learned sometimes.

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5 answers

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Joe’s Answer

Here are some tips to help you learn programming more effectively and retain what you learn:

1. Practice Regularly
Consistent Coding: Set aside time daily or weekly to code. Regular practice helps reinforce concepts.
Projects: Work on small projects or coding challenges to apply what you've learned.

2. Use Multiple Resources
Books and Tutorials: Combine reading books with online tutorials to get different perspectives.
Interactive Platforms: Use sites like Codecademy, LeetCode, or HackerRank for hands-on practice.

3. Take Notes
Digital or Physical: Write down key concepts, code snippets, and troubleshooting steps.
Cheat Sheets: Create quick reference guides for syntax and common functions.

4. Teach What You Learn
Explaining Concepts: Try explaining programming concepts to someone else or write blog posts about them.
Code Reviews: Participate in code reviews with peers to solidify your understanding.

5. Build and Contribute
Personal Projects: Start building your own projects, no matter how small.
Open Source: Contribute to open-source projects to gain real-world experience and learn from others' code.

6. Review and Revise
Regular Review: Periodically review your notes and previous projects to refresh your memory.
Debugging: Spend time understanding and debugging code to deepen your comprehension.

7. Join Communities
Online Forums: Participate in forums like Stack Overflow, Reddit, or GitHub Discussions.
Local Meetups: Attend local programming meetups or join study groups.

8. Stay Updated
Follow Trends: Keep up with the latest developments in programming languages and technologies.
Newsletters and Blogs: Subscribe to newsletters and follow blogs related to programming.

9. Use Spaced Repetition
Flashcards: Use tools like Anki to create flashcards for syntax and concepts, reviewing them at spaced intervals.
Practice Algorithms: Regularly practice common algorithms and data structures.

10. Maintain a Growth Mindset
Embrace Challenges: View difficulties as opportunities to learn and grow.

Reflect on Progress: Regularly reflect on your progress and celebrate your improvements.
Keep coding!
Thank you comment icon Thank you! Eduar
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Rajesh Kumar’s Answer

As a programming student, here are some tips to enhance your learning and retention:

Practice Regularly: Consistent practice is key to improving your programming skills. Set aside dedicated time each day or week to work on coding exercises, projects, or challenges. Regular practice helps reinforce concepts and builds muscle memory.

Code Along with Tutorials: Follow along with coding tutorials or online courses, actively typing and experimenting with the code examples. This hands-on approach allows you to engage with the material and better understand how different concepts work.

Build Real-World Projects: Apply your programming skills by working on real-world projects. This practical experience helps solidify your understanding, exposes you to different problem-solving scenarios, and builds your portfolio.

Break Down Problems: When faced with complex programming problems, break them down into smaller, manageable chunks. This approach, known as decomposition, makes problem-solving more approachable and helps prevent overwhelm.

Document Your Learning: Take notes, create summaries, or keep a coding journal to document what you've learned. Writing down concepts, explanations, and code snippets helps reinforce your understanding and serves as a reference for future review.

Teach Others: Explaining programming concepts to others, whether through tutoring, blogging, or participating in coding communities, enhances your understanding and helps solidify your knowledge. Teaching others forces you to thoroughly understand the material and can uncover any gaps in your understanding.

Engage in Code Reviews: Seek feedback on your code from peers or more experienced programmers. Code reviews offer valuable insights, help identify areas for improvement, and expose you to different coding styles and best practices.

Join Coding Communities: Engage with coding communities, forums, or social media groups to connect with fellow programmers. Participating in discussions, asking questions, and sharing knowledge fosters a supportive learning environment and exposes you to different perspectives and approaches.

Stay Curious and Explore: Don't be afraid to explore new programming languages, frameworks, or technologies. Stay curious and continuously expand your knowledge by exploring different resources, attending webinars, or experimenting with side projects.

Take Breaks and Rest: Programming requires mental focus and concentration. Take regular breaks during study sessions to rest and recharge. Stepping away from code for a while can actually enhance your ability to retain information and prevent burnout.

Remember, learning programming is a continuous journey, and it's important to be patient with yourself. Embrace challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth, and celebrate your progress along the way. Keep a growth mindset, stay motivated, and enjoy the process of learning and mastering programming skills.

Note: WIth the rise of AI which has started doing most of the coding work. The main thing is to understand the basics and have a strong foundation on what ever you learn. Need not memorize syntax
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Xing’s Answer

Hey Eduar,

Don't worry, it's completely normal to forget things! We all do it. The goal of learning isn't just to memorize every detail, but to understand the core concepts and ideas.

Here are some tips that I've found helpful:

- Focus on understanding: Instead of trying to memorize everything, try to truly grasp the concepts behind what you're learning. Ask yourself "why" and "how" questions.

- Active learning: Don't just read or watch passively. Engage with the material. Take notes, summarize concepts in your own words, work through practice problems, or even try to teach the material to someone else.

- Practice, practice, practice: The more you use the knowledge or skills you're learning, the more likely you are to remember them. Find ways to apply what you've learned in different contexts.

- Spaced repetition: Instead of cramming, review the material at regular intervals. This helps solidify the information in your long-term memory.
Take breaks: Your brain needs time to process information. Take short breaks while studying to help avoid burnout and improve retention.

- Don't be afraid to revisit old material: It's okay to go back and review concepts you've already covered. This can actually strengthen your understanding.

Remember, learning is a journey, not a race. Be patient with yourself, and enjoy the process!

Hope this helps!
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Chinyere’s Answer

Hello Eduar,

Learning programming is a journey that involves a healthy mix of acquiring new knowledge and solidifying what you've already learned. Here are some tips that can help you on your way:

Learning More Effectively:

1. Focus on fundamentals: Before diving into complex concepts, ensure you have a strong grasp of programming basics like variables, data types, control flow, and functions. These fundamentals are the building blocks for everything else you'll learn.

2. Practice, practice, practice: Programming is a skill that gets better with consistent practice. Don't just read about concepts; try implementing them by working on coding exercises and projects. There are many websites that offer beginner-friendly coding challenges, [](

3. Learn by doing projects: Find a project that interests you, like a simple game or a website. Break it down into smaller tasks and work on them one by one. This will help you apply your knowledge practically and keep you motivated.

Remembering What You Learned:

1. Space out your learning: Cramming information right before an exam is not ideal for long-term retention. Spread out your learning over time and revisit concepts periodically to refresh your memory.

2. Use spaced repetition techniques: There are tools and apps that use spaced repetition, a technique where you review information at increasing intervals to improve memorization.

3. Explain concepts to others: One of the best ways to solidify your understanding is by explaining it to someone else. This forces you to organize your thoughts and identify any gaps in your knowledge.

4. Write code by hand: While coding with a computer is essential, try writing code by hand sometimes. This can help you visualize the logic and internalize the syntax.

5. Join a programming community: Find online forums or communities where you can interact with other programmers. Discussing concepts, sharing projects, and helping others can solidify your understanding and keep you engaged.

Remember, it's completely normal to forget things sometimes. Don't get discouraged – just pick yourself up, revisit the concepts, and practice again. By following these tips and applying yourself consistently, you'll be well on your way to becoming a proficient programmer.

Best wishes!
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Xing’s Answer

Hey Eduar,

Don't worry, it's completely normal to forget things! We all do it. The goal of learning isn't just to memorize every detail, but to understand the core concepts and ideas.

Here are some tips that I've found helpful:

- Focus on understanding: Instead of trying to memorize everything, try to truly grasp the concepts behind what you're learning. Ask yourself "why" and "how" questions.

- Active learning: Don't just read or watch passively. Engage with the material. Take notes, summarize concepts in your own words, work through practice problems, or even try to teach the material to someone else.

- Practice, practice, practice: The more you use the knowledge or skills you're learning, the more likely you are to remember them. Find ways to apply what you've learned in different contexts.

- Spaced repetition: Instead of cramming, review the material at regular intervals. This helps solidify the information in your long-term memory.

- Take breaks: Your brain needs time to process information. Take short breaks while studying to help avoid burnout and improve retention.

- Don't be afraid to revisit old material: It's okay to go back and review concepts you've already covered. This can actually strengthen your understanding.

Remember, learning is a journey, not a race. Be patient with yourself, and enjoy the process!

Hope this helps!