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Maybe we can be useful to each other what if something cool happens!?

Maybe someone would like to join me and discuss creating a news blog, to develop communication skills, journalism, correspondence, and more

Thank you comment icon I am very happy for you Kate an exciting adventure awaits. Unfortunately this endeavor is out of my wheel house but you have my support and I will be awaiting your success. If I can along the way be of assistance in anyway I will. Carpe diem!!!!!!!!!!! Linda Mire

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Michelle’s Answer

Hello again, Kate !

That is an awesome idea and it's great that you are reaching out. Career Village is an advice forum specifically for college and career advice. If you want to start networking online or putting out notices for a writing team, I may have some advice as to how you may start.

My first idea was to place a notice in free classified newspapers similar to Craig's List (but I don't recommend starting out with this on Craig's List). You didn't note what town or city you live in, so I will give some general advice. Placing notices can be dubious and you'll have to be very careful about responding to whomever contacts you. Initial contact should be via e-mail always.

I believe that you should, however, and this may be the best way, post flyers at colleges. Visit all the colleges in your area that offer majors in journalism, television, film and theatre. State on the flyer exactly what your purpose is and what talent you need and put your e-mail address as the contact information. I include theatre majors because many actors would jump at the chance to start doing videos with you. Go to these major departments at the colleges and talk with the people there and find out where you can post the flyers.

Another way would be to do this through Linked In. Click to follow Journalists on Linked In and start posting your notice for what you want. Indicate what you are planning and what type of projects you intend to do. Click to follow schools of journalism, too. Follow the accounts that are in alignment with what you want to do.

You can register at a website called Writing where many writers meet. I have left the link for you below. Someone there may be interested in collaborating with your blog. Also try placing notices or reading about the Society of Professional Journalists at the link I have provided for you below. Also consider posting a flyer at your local library, too. The Librarian may even know about some places you can find interested people so it will pay to ask while you are there. If you live in a large city, go to more than one Library. If you want young writers who would love the experience, you can also visit the local high schools and inquire as to how you can post or inform students of your project so they can participate.

I would not suggest social media as it may not be quick and you may get responses that have nothing to do with your project. I do hope that this is helpful and I wish you all the best with what seems to be a wonderful plan !

Michelle recommends the following next steps:

Thank you comment icon Michelle, thank you! Kate
Thank you comment icon You're welcome, Kate ! Michelle M.
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Aleah’s Answer

Writing regularly and having someone (or multiple people) review your writing is an excellent way to improve your communication skills, grammar, and writing style. I think a blog where you and others write pieces for each other to read and revise is an excellent idea. Reading is also a great way to improve your spelling, vocabulary, and creativity. If you are interested in having me take a look at something you’ve written, feel free to reach out. I love writing and have done so since I was eight years old. It always meant a lot to me for someone to take the time to read what I had written. Best of luck to you!

Aleah recommends the following next steps:

Write daily and have others review your work.
Read lots of books of different genres.
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Zoya’s Answer

That's a fantastic idea! Creating a news blog together is a great way to develop essential skills like communication, journalism, and correspondence. It's also a fun and rewarding project.

Let's Discuss the Possibilities:
To get started, we can discuss:

Our interests: What kind of news are we passionate about? Local, national, international, or a specific niche?
Target audience: Who are we trying to reach with our blog?
Blog platform: Where will we host our blog (WordPress, Blogger, etc.)?
Content strategy: What kind of articles will we write? News reports, opinion pieces, interviews, or a mix?
Collaboration: How will we divide tasks and responsibilities?
I'm ready to dive in and contribute my skills in:

Researching and gathering information
Writing and editing articles
Developing content strategies
Providing feedback and suggestions
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Kate!


Someone bought me telescopes a long time ago, my mother and father. Suddenly I wanted to become an astronomer. In 1972 I took a physics class in grade 11 high school. The chemistry and biology classes were too crowded for me to enter. The biology and chemistry majors were necessary for me to study medicine. In 1975 I considered a bridging chemistry first-year course at university to get the prerequisites for medicine. But the physics was not a waste of time!

The physics teacher brought out computer cards. They were to be used for programming the PDP-10 computer at Queensland University, which took up a whole floor of the Physics Department! This was before personal computers too! I started my first-year of study at Brisbane's newest university, Griffith. There were only 800 students!

My Uncle had died the year before, in 1974, of familial hypercholesterolemia, a massive heart attack. With a serum cholesterol four times normal. Then his old academic supervisor in biochemistry from 1960, Professor Colin Masters turns up - at our university! He recalled my Uncle fondly. Suddenly I dropped the mathematics and physics majors to study what I had missed out on in senior high school to get me in to study medicine! I started studying biochemistry under Colin, following in my Uncle's footsteps.

Then I developed an interest in nutrition, after reading Doctor Paavo Airola's book "Are You Confused?" - on the mechanics of nutrition. In 1980 I started teaching medical students second-year biochemistry. I did work experience with a natural therapist. He utilized vitamins and minerals to treat disease. In 1981 I commenced a postgraduate diploma in nutritional medicine, a course for doctors to treat diseases with nutrients! With the death of my Dad, from a heart attack in 1985, at 50 years of age; I started studying for a postgraduate diploma in nutrition and dietetics.

In 1994 I brought the two talents together - computer programming and nutrition. I started writing nutrition education software! That was the beginning of Diet Wizard! So I started putting it on YouTube.Studio!

I always say - if you cannot help people - what is the good of you?
Now really there's nothing cooler than hoping people out of trouble. For instance a doctor's very handy when you're sick. A dietitian like me is handy to treat nutrition-related diseases.
That is pretty cool because it restores life force to people.


Creating a News Blog: A Step-by-Step Guide

Starting a news blog can be an exciting and rewarding venture, especially for students like Kate who are looking to develop their communication skills and explore the field of journalism. Below is a comprehensive guide on how to embark on this journey.

1. Define Your Purpose and Niche

Before diving into the technical aspects of blogging, it’s crucial to define your purpose. Ask yourself:

What topics are you passionate about?
Who is your target audience?
What unique perspective can you offer?

Choosing a niche helps in attracting a specific audience and establishing authority in that area. For example, if you’re interested in environmental issues, focusing on sustainability news could set your blog apart.

2. Research and Plan Content

Once you’ve defined your niche, conduct thorough research to understand current trends and topics within that area. This will help you create relevant content that resonates with your audience. Consider the following:

Follow reputable news sources related to your niche.
Use social media platforms to gauge what topics are trending.
Create an editorial calendar to plan out your posts in advance.
3. Choose a Blogging Platform

Selecting the right platform is essential for ease of use and functionality. Popular blogging platforms include:

WordPress: Highly customizable with numerous themes and plugins.
Blogger: User-friendly for beginners but less flexible than WordPress.
Medium: Great for writers focused on storytelling without worrying about design.

Evaluate each option based on your technical skills, desired features, and long-term goals.

4. Design Your Blog

A visually appealing blog can attract more readers. Focus on:

Choosing a clean, professional theme that aligns with your niche.
Ensuring mobile responsiveness since many users access blogs via smartphones.
Creating an easy-to-navigate layout with clear categories and tags.
5. Develop Writing Skills

As you start writing posts, focus on honing your journalism skills:

Practice clarity and conciseness in your writing.
Learn the basics of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to improve visibility.
Incorporate storytelling techniques to engage readers emotionally.

Consider joining writing workshops or online courses focused on journalism or blogging.

6. Promote Your Blog

After publishing content, promoting it is key to gaining readership:

Utilize social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn to share posts.
Engage with other bloggers by commenting on their posts or collaborating on projects.
Consider guest posting on established blogs within your niche to reach new audiences.
7. Engage with Your Audience

Building a community around your blog enhances reader loyalty:

Respond promptly to comments and feedback from readers.
Encourage discussions by asking questions at the end of each post.
Use email newsletters to keep subscribers updated about new content.
8. Monitor Analytics

To understand what works best for your blog:

Use tools like Google Analytics to track visitor behavior and engagement metrics.
Analyze which types of content perform well and adjust future posts accordingly.
9. Stay Updated and Adaptable

The world of journalism is constantly evolving; therefore:

Stay informed about changes in digital media trends.
Be open to feedback from readers and adapt your strategies as needed.
10. Network with Other Journalists

Connecting with fellow aspiring journalists can provide support and collaboration opportunities:

Join online forums or local journalism groups.
Attend workshops or conferences related to journalism or blogging.

By following these steps, Kate can successfully launch her news blog while developing valuable skills in communication, writing, and journalism.

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used:

Pew Research Center - Provides insights into digital media trends and audience engagement statistics relevant for bloggers.
Nieman Reports - Offers articles focused on journalism practices including tips for aspiring journalists.
HubSpot - Contains resources about blogging best practices including SEO strategies and content promotion techniques.

God Bless You!
Thank you comment icon I am really grateful you took the time to answer this question. Kate
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Madeleine’s Answer

As a seasoned journalist, I would highly recommend as a platform for your work. This site allows you to cultivate an international readership and establish a strong online presence. Personally, I maintain a blog on this site, which serves as a digital portfolio of my articles published in various newspapers and magazines.

Additionally, you have the option to supplement your work with advertisements, although my blog serves a different purpose. Beyond Blogspot, I also utilize LinkedIn as a platform to share and create articles and posts. Facebook has a feature specifically designed for journalists, which I have found beneficial.

In the past, I have engaged with libraries to participate in writing groups, an experience I found enriching. I concur with the previous advice given, suggesting the importance of networking with individuals in the theatre and film industry. Wishing you the best in your endeavors.
Thank you comment icon I will use this advice as I prepare for my career. Kate