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How am I suppose to let go of my hobbies ?

Is very hard to leave without my hobbies because they are part of me . Letting it go is like letting myself go because it bring out who I am.

Thank you comment icon Why do you think you need to let them go? Fred Rosenberger

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Austin’s Answer

Hello and good morning.
Well first of all who says you have to let go of your hobbies?!? Your hobbies are dreams and aspirations and things that you love to do and if your hobbies can make you prosperous or do something for you which I see that they do then you should hold on to your hobbies!! Let no one try to tell you different most people that try to tell you that you should let go of this and let go of that or people that are jealous and don't want to see you happy hold on to what it is that makes you happy that gives you peace of mind.God bless!
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S’s Answer

As a more recent college grad, I can say that I definitely felt that I had to lose my hobbies while in school because I just didn't have the time to pursue them while studying. It took some time to figure out how to juggle everything and I wasn't able to do it all.

Now that I'm working though, I have much more time to pursue my hobbies and take the time to work on both my mental and physical health. It's definitely a tough time to go through when you don't have the time to do all the things that bring you joy, but know that this is only temporary until you get to that next chapter of your life that you're currently working towards.

S recommends the following next steps:

Keep at least 1 thing that brings you joy in your schedule
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Samira’s Answer

You don't have to let them go. You can schedule a separate time for your hobbies, even if it's 15 minutes a day. Learning time management skills and strategies can help you make time for your hobbies and interests while meeting deadlines and getting work done. Good luck!
Thank you comment icon Participating in hobbies is important for mental health! Katherine Avery
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Greer’s Answer

Hello Rosie,

I truly believe that each of us needs a little escape, a personal passion or hobby that helps us disconnect from the pressures of work or any stress we might be facing. It's all about finding that one thing that lights up your face with a smile. Why let go of your hobbies? They're a part of who you are. Enjoy them, express yourself through them. Try to carve out some time, whenever possible, to do what truly makes you feel like yourself. Just BE YOU and remember, it's all about having fun!

Wishing you nothing but the best!
Thank you comment icon Thank you, this is really helpful. Sasha
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Colby’s Answer

Hello Rosie!

I strongly encourage you, don't abandon your hobbies! If you're feeling overwhelmed with a particular hobby, why not explore something different? Give yourself the freedom to delve into new experiences and be receptive to finding joy in something fresh! We all require hobbies and pursuits we're enthusiastic about. So, rather than giving up, consider discovering new hobbies.

Colby recommends the following next steps:

Be open to finding new things!
Keep your hobbies and nurture them more
Find more people with similar interests and hobbies
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Jessica’s Answer

As long as your hobbies are not affecting your everyday life, then that is perfectly fine, but if your hobbies affect anything you do with school or work then you may want to change a few things to match your daily needs. If the hobby is something you really like then take that and turn it into something bigger. Everybody has hobbies and yes we all want to keep doing them but just make sure that you do the hobbies don't let them do you !! Have a good day !!
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Isaac’s Answer

Piano and learning about music used to be a hobby for me. But I had the vision that I wanted to do it professionally.

One other hobby that I used to have was origami. I stopped doing that because I simply didn't have enough paper and I did other hobbies instead.
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Ravi’s Answer

Why are you considering giving up your hobbies? Could you share what these hobbies are? Do you feel they might be standing in the way of achieving your career aspirations?

Before we dive into finding a solution, I want to acknowledge that it's not about "letting go" of your hobbies entirely, but rather finding a balance that works for you. Here are some suggestions that might help:

1. Identify your priorities: Take some time to reflect on what's most important to you in your life, both personally and professionally. Are there any specific goals or projects that you need to focus on right now? Make a list of your priorities and see where your hobbies fit in.
2. Schedule your hobbies: Instead of letting your hobbies take over your free time, schedule them in your calendar just like you would any other important activity. This will help you ensure that you have dedicated time for your hobbies while also leaving time for other important things.
3. Set boundaries: Consider setting boundaries around your hobbies, such as only doing them at certain times of the day or only doing them for a certain amount of time each day. This can help you maintain a healthy balance between your hobbies and other aspects of your life.
4. Find ways to incorporate your hobbies into your daily routine: Instead of setting aside dedicated time for your hobbies, try to find ways to incorporate them into your daily routine. For example, if you love to read, try reading during your daily commute or before bed.
5. Consider alternatives: If you find that your hobbies are taking up too much of your time, consider finding alternatives that can help you achieve similar benefits without taking up as much time. For example, if you love to paint, you could try sketching or drawing instead.

Remember, it's not about giving up your hobbies entirely, but about finding a balance that works for you. By prioritizing your goals, scheduling your hobbies, setting boundaries, finding ways to incorporate your hobbies into your daily routine, and considering alternatives, you can maintain a healthy balance between your hobbies and other aspects of your

Ravi recommends the following next steps:

How do these suggestions sound to you? Is there anything else you'd like to add or any specific challenges you're facing that I can help with?
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Rosie!


I am not a Spring chicken when it comes to age! There is no need to get rid of all your hobbies and pastimes, because they are a part of who you are!
Some may be omitted due to inconvenience. I would like to grind a two-foot diameter telescope mirror here, but I do not think the other residents would appreciate the mess from the abrasive slurry.

One pastime I have continued is writing nutrition education software. I have been doing this since 1994. I have been programming computers since 1972. My work can be seen on YouTube.Studio:-


Understanding the Importance of Hobbies

Hobbies are often more than just activities we engage in during our free time; they are integral to our identity and personal fulfillment. They provide a sense of purpose, creativity, and joy, contributing significantly to our overall well-being. When faced with the prospect of letting go of hobbies, it’s essential to recognize their value in your life.

Step 1: Acknowledge Your Feelings

The first step in addressing the difficulty of letting go is to acknowledge your feelings. It’s perfectly normal to feel a strong attachment to your hobbies, as they often reflect your passions and interests. Take some time to reflect on what these hobbies mean to you and how they contribute to your sense of self. Journaling about your experiences can help clarify these emotions.

Step 2: Evaluate Your Current Situation

Consider why you feel the need to let go of your hobbies. Is it due to time constraints from work or school? Are you feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities? Understanding the underlying reasons can help you find solutions that allow you to maintain a connection with your hobbies while managing other aspects of your life.

Step 3: Prioritize Your Time

If time is a significant factor in letting go of your hobbies, try prioritizing them within your schedule. Identify specific times during the week when you can dedicate yourself to these activities without feeling guilty about other responsibilities. Even short periods spent on hobbies can be fulfilling and rejuvenating.

Step 4: Find Balance

Instead of completely letting go, consider finding a balance between your career aspirations and personal interests. For example, if you’re pursuing a career in video game design, think about how you can integrate elements of gaming into your daily life or work environment. This way, you’re not entirely abandoning what you love but rather adapting it into new contexts.

Step 5: Explore New Interests

Sometimes, letting go doesn’t mean losing something entirely; it can also mean evolving into new interests that complement or expand upon existing ones. Explore related fields or new hobbies that might excite you just as much as your current ones do. This exploration can lead to unexpected opportunities for growth and fulfillment.

Step 6: Seek Support

Talk about your feelings with friends or family members who understand the importance of these hobbies in your life. They may offer support or suggestions that could help ease the transition if you’re considering stepping back from certain activities.

Step 7: Reassess Regularly

As time goes on, reassess how you feel about letting go of certain hobbies. Life circumstances change, and so do our interests and priorities. Regularly checking in with yourself will help ensure that any decisions made align with who you are at that moment.

In conclusion, while it may seem daunting to let go of hobbies that define part of who you are, there are constructive ways to navigate this process without losing sight of yourself. By acknowledging feelings, evaluating situations, prioritizing time for passions, seeking balance, exploring new interests, seeking support from loved ones, and regularly reassessing personal goals and desires, one can find a path forward that honors both personal identity and professional aspirations.

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used:

American Psychological Association (APA) - Provides insights into the psychological benefits of engaging in hobbies.
Harvard Business Review (HBR) - Offers articles on work-life balance and integrating personal interests into professional life.
Psychology Today - Discusses the importance of leisure activities for mental health and well-being.

God Bless You!
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Brian’s Answer

Hi Rosie !

As you get older and your life begins to change, you will be presented with different circumstances and scenarios that you will need to adjust to both professionally and personally. And naturally, you will make decisions and adjust your priorities, conscious or not, to accommodate these circumstances. In some cases, you end up abandoning hobbies and interest for the sake of these priorities. However, as you adjust, always keep in mind who you are and what things resonate with you to make you happy.

When I started my career, I found myself being the very serious and focused individual, trying hard to demonstrate that I was there to work hard, be focused, and not fool around. But lucky for me, I was able to recognize early that I was not being who I am and it made it harder for me to feel natural and it impacted my job satisfaction. In short, I am kind of a goofball, very sarcastic, and I like to have fun and laugh no matter what I do. So it didn't take me long to figure out that my goal I created for myself was to develop what I called my "Professional Me". Don't get me wrong, I do work hard, and I am very focused, but I always try and sneak in a joke, add some sarcasm, and bring some levity to a tough situation as I think everyone appreciates a little break in their minds. Of course, I don't do it in the first meeting with folks I never met before. Instead, I ease into it until they know a little bit more about who I am and what I do professionally. After learning how to do this for myself, I created the "professional me" that I wanted for myself and for others to see.

So what does this all have to do with hobbies? It all goes back to ensuring who you are and what makes you tick. The more things you can retain in your life that make you happy, the more satisfied you will feel overall. And that goes for keeping your personal hobbies as well. Is it easy? No, and you may have to sacrifice something for a bit. But always try to maintain a balance your life and include things you personally need and want. I always say the more CHOICES you have, not decisions, is what you strive, for. The difference being choices is selecting from A, B, C, D and E, and ALL those choices is what you want. Decisions are selecting from only A or B, and neither A and B is what you really want. Hope that makes sense.

Anyway, good luck as you move forward.
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Anthony’s Answer

Dear Rosie,

Firstly, I want to acknowledge the valuable advice given in the responses preceding mine. However, remember that hobbies are a personal preference. If anyone suggests you give up your hobbies for success or any other reason, appreciate their advice, but remember the final decision rests with you. Hobbies play a significant role in our lives, providing a counterbalance to the daily grind of looking after ourselves and our families. In fact, you might discover, as many of us have, that life is all about maintaining a healthy balance. For instance, if I constantly seek work to ensure financial stability, I risk neglecting my family, friends, and personal hobbies, which could lead to strained relationships and increased stress. Conversely, if I spend most of my time on leisure activities and ignore my responsibilities, I could end up neglecting my financial commitments.

So, here's a friendly piece of advice: don't stop enjoying your hobbies. Keep an eye on them and make necessary adjustments if they start affecting you or those around you negatively.

Thank you for taking the time to read my message. I hope you find my insights helpful.
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David’s Answer


There are lots of ways to keep hobbies as a professional and adult! The most obvious is seeking a career in a field related to your hobbies. I've done that myself. I was a musician and I became a booking agent. But, I'm STILL a musician. That passion of mine doesn't pay the bills, but it's very much a part of my career.

But, if that's not possible, keeping hobbies and passions alive are a huge part of good mental health! I self-published a coloring book just for fun. If I was getting paid to do it, I could have made it in a couple of weeks. It took me a couple of years in my spare time. But I crossed it off my bucket list and had a lot of fun doing it. Not everything you do has to be for profit or a part of a career plan. It's ok to carve out time to do things just because you enjoy them!

Hope that helps!
