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What is the the way forward to choosing a best career

What is the best career opportunities one can have , how can one start a new career that will be helpful for future, why is it that people doesn't know the best career to choose

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Subject: Career question for you


8 answers

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Caroline’s Answer

To answer your question you need to consider what you are interested in? Than look at the different types of positions that are available. Example say you love computers, So you could consider IT , Programmer, Game Developer. These are examples another would be Healthcare you could be a RN , Clinical Scientist to Healthcare Admin. Once you have a idea of what you are interested in do some research specifically in each and see what each position will require you to do. Also what is the rate of pay? Than from there contact some local schools you are interested in and find out cost, Requirements to be accepted. I hope this helps.
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Wilvind’s Answer

Nursing is a great job. Not only can you work around the world but anywhere here in the states you'll have a job. It's not easy to attain it but perseverance and dedications will get you there. Of course, having a brilliant mind will definitely help :)
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Chris!


I am a caring person, so when my Uncle died of a massive coronary at age 38, it affected me very much. His academic supervisor appeared at our university two years after his death. The professor of biochemistry was a friendly chap. I changed my majors from physics and mathematics to biochemistry. With the death of my father at 50 years of age, I decided to study nutrition and dietetics. I have been a proficient computer programmer since 1972. In 1994 I combined that with nutrition education. I commenced work on DIET WIZARD.


Choosing the Best Career: A Comprehensive Guide

Choosing a career is one of the most significant decisions individuals make in their lives. It can shape not only professional success but also personal fulfillment. Here’s a detailed exploration of how to choose the best career, potential opportunities, starting points for new careers, and reasons why many people struggle with this decision.

1. Understanding Your Interests and Skills

The first step in choosing a career is self-assessment. Understanding your interests, skills, values, and personality traits is crucial. Tools such as personality tests (e.g., Myers-Briggs Type Indicator or Holland Code) can provide insights into what careers might suit you best.

Interests: Consider what activities you enjoy and what subjects fascinate you.
Skills: Identify your strengths—are you good at analytical thinking, creativity, communication, or technical tasks?
Values: Reflect on what matters most to you in a job—financial security, helping others, work-life balance?
2. Researching Career Opportunities

Once you have a clearer understanding of yourself, research various career paths that align with your interests and skills. Some promising fields include:

Healthcare (e.g., Nursing): With an aging population and ongoing health challenges, nursing remains a high-demand field offering diverse roles.
Technology (e.g., Graphic Design): As digital media continues to grow, graphic design offers creative opportunities across industries.
Education: Teaching roles are essential for shaping future generations and can be incredibly rewarding.

Utilize resources like the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to explore job outlooks and salary expectations for different careers.

3. Gaining Relevant Experience

Starting a new career often requires gaining experience in the field. Here are some strategies:

Internships: Seek internships or volunteer opportunities related to your desired field. This hands-on experience is invaluable.
Networking: Connect with professionals through platforms like LinkedIn or local networking events to gain insights and advice.
Further Education: Depending on your chosen path, consider pursuing relevant degrees or certifications that enhance your qualifications.
4. Setting Goals and Creating a Plan

Once you’ve identified a potential career path:

Set short-term and long-term goals that outline steps toward achieving your desired position.
Create an action plan detailing how you will acquire necessary skills or education.
5. Overcoming Barriers to Career Choice

Many individuals struggle with selecting the right career due to various factors:

Lack of Information: Many people do not have access to comprehensive resources about available careers or industry trends.
Fear of Failure: The fear of making the wrong choice can paralyze decision-making processes.
Societal Pressure: Expectations from family or society may lead individuals away from their true interests.

Encouraging open discussions about career choices within families and communities can help alleviate these pressures.

6. The Importance of Flexibility

The modern job market is dynamic; therefore, being adaptable is crucial. Many people change careers multiple times throughout their lives due to evolving interests or economic shifts. Embrace lifelong learning by staying updated on industry trends and continuously developing new skills.


Choosing the best career involves introspection, research, gaining experience, setting clear goals, overcoming barriers, and maintaining flexibility throughout one’s professional journey. By following these steps thoughtfully, individuals can navigate their way toward fulfilling careers that align with their passions and aspirations.

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used:

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics - Provides comprehensive data on job outlooks and salaries across various professions.
Myers-Briggs Company - Offers tools for personality assessments that help individuals understand their strengths and preferences in relation to potential careers.
National Center for Education Statistics - Supplies information on educational pathways necessary for various careers including statistics on college majors related to specific fields like healthcare and education.

God Bless You!
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Olivia’s Answer

Firstly, it's okay not to know exactly where you want to end up! Choosing a career can be overwhelming so a good approach is to start broad by identifying fields that match your skills and interest, and then from there you can narrow down to roles that align. A step you can take to get a better idea of what you might be interested in is getting mentors from different fields. Mentors can give you a first hand perspective and provide you professional direction. Secondly, be realistic with your gaps and take initiative to be a continuous learner. There will always be resources available to continue your development. Lastly, remember that you define what success means to you. You are in control of your career, nothing is permanent, and you can always pivot if needed!
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Caitlin’s Answer

Hello Chris,

Let's start by exploring your passions and identifying the careers that can align with them. Remember, it's perfectly okay not to have a clear-cut path for your future. Embrace the journey of exploration and remember, you have the freedom to change course as you go along.

Consider your educational aspirations too. How much time are you willing to invest in school? Do you see yourself pursuing higher education? It's quite common for people to change their majors during their academic journey.

Begin with small steps. Prioritize learning and skill development. It's not about rushing to the finish line, but about enjoying the journey and growing along the way.
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Sarah’s Answer

Choosing a career can be an exciting journey, and it all starts with discovering what you truly enjoy doing. Let's say, for instance, you have a knack for taking care of children. You love their company, enjoy babysitting, and often hear compliments like "Wow, you're amazing with kids!" This could be a wonderful indication that a career involving children might be right for you. So, take that compliment and consider it as a sign. Reflect on it and see if you can envision yourself pursuing a career in this field. Remember, the best career choice is often one that aligns with what you love to do.
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Edward’s Answer

Hi Chris, to understand what the difference is between a career and a job is simple…. I was always taught that a job is something you have to do in order to pay your way through day to day life (JOB stands for Journey Of the Broke…🧐) A career is an investment of hard work, education, commitment. There is no such thing as one career being better than another, a great career is wanting to look forward to doing what you love and feel rewarded, proud, and successful.
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Afrad’s Answer

Hi Chris -

It's great that you're thinking about this early. Right can mean many things and differ from one person to another, so you need to ponder what's 'right' in your mind. I'd venture a mixture of something you enjoy that would provide you sufficient income.

I recommend experiencing as many of the things you're even remotely interested in. This will increase your understanding of how they are in the real world, vs what you hear or may read about. Take opportunities to do internships, site visits, volunteer, interview professionals or anything that would allow you to witness employees in the field. YouTube has a lot of videos on almost any field or job, where professionals walk through how they perform their duties. Keep in mind this is not a guaranteed formula to give you that 'epiphany' that you seek, but it would greatly increase the probability of that happening.

At times, simply traveling this path of discovery is what's needed to highlight opportunities for us and trigger what we may need.

On the other hand, spend time thinking about what is important to you. What about a job or career do you value most? Money, impact (making a difference), low demand, being famous, etc. Once you know what's most important to you, that will help you further narrow down the best career for you.

Hope this helps, best of luck!