How can I become an actress in Hollywood if I don’t live in the US?
I am (15) already in acting classes, and do a bit of work in the film industry in my country, but am yet to find an agent. I am very aware of the hardships and unlikelihood of me being successful but I still want to try. I know I might have a chance if u get an agent in the US but not many accept international clients. I have a house in the US but I cannot move to the US ☹️
4 answers
Jie’s Answer
Here's your unique roadmap to becoming a successful Hollywood actress:
1, Constant Improvement: Never stop learning and honing your performance skills. Enhance your abilities in music and dance. Having a unique talent will help you stand out from the crowd.
2, Grab Opportunities: Be on the lookout for casting calls, particularly for movie roles. Make and share videos of your acting on your social media platforms to showcase your abilities.
3, Build Connections: Become part of groups that include producers, directors, and fellow actors. Participate in industry events, workshops, and online discussions to widen your network.
4, Get Involved in American Projects: Strive to participate in film projects based in the United States. This could mean traveling for auditions or working remotely on global projects to gain visibility and experience.
Ezgi’s Answer
I am a foreign national myself and my journey is a bit different than what I'll recommend. My first and most important advice would be choosing an acting school in the US that you'd like to go. Give it a good amount of time because it will be important for various reasons. You can ask yourself these questions:
1-Is there an acting method I'm leaning more towards to? (Meisner, Adler, Lee Strasberg, etc)
2-Do I want a more traditional training(a 4 year drama major) or a shorter program (1-2 year conservatory programs).
3-NYC or LA? (very different acting scene in each. competition is different, project inventory is different, the whole vibes are different)
4-am I willing to act anywhere whether I would need to go back home at the end of training?
Don't forget; the training you'll get will be one of the best things that'll happen in your acting career. Not only you'll learn a lot-obviously:)- but also you will get familiar with the industry in the US. Whether it fulfills all your dreams or not, you will be fulfilled immensely, in a lot of ways.
I would take the first step to start researching the drama schools and make a list of the ones you'd like to go. Start learning how you can enroll in these schools. Most will require auditioning. Some of them occasionally travel outside the US to hold auditions. Depending on your location, you might be able to catch an audition close to you.
Start working on monologues- both classic and contemporary. If you can, work with a coach in your area to strengthen your monologues.
So what can happen after you attend a school here and graduate? You can obtain an OPT visa. Which will give you 1 year of work permit after your graduation. You can use that year to actively work, and keep seeking work in acting- both theatre and on camera. Network, network network. This way a sponsor you work with may help you to get an O1 visa (artist's visa).
That being said, please note that although these steps are usually what foreign national artists take, everyone's journey is unique. It's best that you take one step at a time. I cannot emphasize enough how important to get training first. Find your dream school and work hard to get in there, and while you're there. Make sure you don't get fixated on one end goal and get everything you can get from that experience. Allow yourself to learn and grow.
If you decide to come to NYC, I can provide more insight on schools and industry here. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
Brian’s Answer
Great question, and unfortunately living outside the US poses a challenge. I would focus on opportunities, for now, in your native land. Build up your experience and when you have the chance to move to the US, then grab yourself an agent. I live in Miami and I've had three agents. Does it mean that it's a guarantee audition? Far from it. Agents are helpful, but not a requirement. If you market yourself through different websites, Backstage for example, you may find yourself a few auditions.
Just remember to start small and grow from there. If you see an opportunity in Thailand for an extra, take it. Grab any and all opportunities you can. All of these will just add credit to your portfolio. Another option, and one I highly recommend, is to get involved with theater. If you want to really grow as an actor, act on stage. It's easy to go from stage to screen, and not the other way around. I've seen actors who were in a few films try to act on stage and they really struggled. But because I acted on stage first then acted on screen, it was so much simpler.
I wish you the very best of luck. LA and NYC are great for an actor, but keep in mind that films are shot everywhere and they will usually grab local talent. Also although LA and NYC are the top two places, there are several more hot spots. Chicago and Atlanta are big as well. We used to be in Miami, but that changed.
I hope that helps
Brian recommends the following next steps:
Michelle’s Answer
In order to obtain consistent work as an actress in the U.S. you will have to live in either Hollywood, CA or New York City or the nearby areas of those two cities. It's great that you already have a house in the United States, but why are you saying that you can't move to the U.S. ? Have you been well-informed about that or is it a personal reason ?
I would advise to continue your wonderful career in Thailand and know that you can appear in projects that are broadcast in the U.S. without moving here as you say you are not able to. Also, at your age of 15, it may be best to stay in your country for a while and when you are 18, you can see if things change and you can relocate to the U.S.
The way you can submit for projects in the U.S. is to register at Backstage and Direct Submit. They frequently have casting notices for actors to do UGC which is User Generated Content. These notices will tell you what to put in a video, it can be for a podcast, video show or a commercial. You send the video file to the contact information and that is basically an audition and they choose the ones they will use in their project. You can record your video anywhere or to their specifications. Keep in mind that the majority of these opportunities are for actors who are 18 and older. I very rarely see ones for younger people. This would be the one way that you can continue your career where you are and submit your photos and profile for work produced in the United States. Many of the notices state that they are seeking talent "Worldwide". That would indicate that people from all countries can submit for that project. Sometimes the work is scripted and sometimes it is not.
You can also register with more acting websites in the United States and indicate that you are interested in American UGC projects. Do a search for Content Creator also.
The reason that you need to live in Los Angeles or New York City or other places and have agent representation is because the work is in the United States, as well it's easier if you are 18 or older. There may be some agents in the U.S. that represent some actors from other countries, but those actors are able to travel to various parts of the world when work is available for them.
So keep doing the things you are doing and add UGC to what you apply to and hopefully you will expand your reach remotely that way at first until it is possible for you to move where ever you want to move to.
Best wishes in all you do !
Michelle recommends the following next steps: