Career questions tagged general-advice

How can I become an actress in Hollywood if I don’t live in the US?
I am (15) already in acting classes, and do a bit of work in the film industry in my country, but am yet to find an agent. I am very aware of the hardships and unlikelihood of me being successful but I still want to try. I know I might have a chance if u get an agent in the US but not many accept international clients. I have a house in the US but I cannot move to the US ☹️

Good day everyone. I'm 2nd year college student and I'm planning to transfer to another school and shift to another course/major this 2nd semester. I'm currently taking Bachelor of Science in Psychology and I plan on shifting to Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting or Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering. To all of those Industrial-engineering and BSMA students, I'm asking for your thoughts and advice about this one. Do you think it's a good idea? Thank you in advance for those who will respond. Have a great day ahead!
I'm from Philippines. I'm planning to transfer in Batangas State University JLPC Malvar. I'm a fast learner but ofc this majors would still give me a headache. I badly need your advice guys😭. Additional question. Which one do you guys think has more job opportunities in the Philippines, Management Accounting or Industrial-engineering?

What are the unspoken challenges of becoming an entrepreneur?
I'm interested in entering the business/finance field, even though I am aware of amount of effort that is required. I'm very driven and eager to learn, however I'm not sure where to start or even what specific area of the fields to go into. Could anyone who works under these fields explain their experience?

What is the best way to find my passion?
There are a lot of things I like a little, but nothing that has made me want to do it for the rest of my life. I feel lost and confused sometimes, or like it's too late to develop a new passion (even though I know it isn't.) I am really interested in doing something creative and personal, that can make a difference. I like making things look good, and I love photography, I just haven't had a lot of experience with it because I couldn't afford a camera until recently. Sometimes I am discouraged by the fact that others are ahead of me and that I am losing precious time to develop that skill. It gets really hard when most of my life is taken up by academics and schoolwork (I prioritize my grades a lot, I am in Junior Year.) so I sometimes don't have the energy to do the things I love and improve at them. What advice would you give me?

How to focus in school without getting distracted?
I am a senior in high school. I get distracted in class easily sometimes and I do not want to carry that habit into college.

What are some important things i should know about being a chef?
essential tools of the trade? advice for how to handle the job? anything important to keep in mind

What can I do with a bachelors in biology? I can really use some help
Hey guys, I am here seeking for advise. I graduated in 2016 with a bachelors in biology and now I don’t know what to do. I originally planned on going to med school but soon found out that school is not for me. - I have a 2.7 gpa. For the past two years, I’ve been doing little jobs but nothing related to my field. I feel like my degree is a waste and I feel depressed that I’m not doing anything with my life. I feel like a failure. I have no one to turned to as my family is expecting so highly of me. As much as I hate school, I love biology. I’m lost and I don’t know what I can do with my bachelors in biology #biology #bachelorsdegree #general-advice

I'm Massively overwhelmed with my future plans.
Is there anyone I can talk to? #college-advice #career-advice #general-advice

How important are grades/GPA for pursuing mechanical engineering?
As a junior, I know that I have to keep my grades up high for college admissions offices, but I was just wondering how it will look if I say I want to pursue mechanical engineering? Do my grades/GPA have to be really exceptional or something? #mechanical-engineering #college-admissions #advice #college-recruiting #general-advice

How difficult or simple would it be for people to find jobs after college?
I'm thinking ahead; I'm going to be a college freshman this fall. Also, I am planning on majoring in Engineering, #undecided on which one. #engineering #job-search #work #general-advice

How does Going to College Serve a Person today?
Exactly why do we go to college? For the average Joe, Besides having to practically pay their ENTIRE yearly income to attend to college, how does that shiny certificate help you in the future? Exactly how does that separate you from THOUSANDS of OTHER applicants shooting for the same job. To put on top of that, if you want to go to a specialist field, you have to attend a Graduate school for 6 years to obtain a Masters degree(Which is now becoming the BARE MINIMUM to get a job). Then by the time you are in your mid twenties, you may get a mediocre job at 80 thousand dollars a year IF you are lucky. Now although that is two times the American average wage, you end up paying for your taxes and possibly your student loans you may have received to pay for college. I'm asking this question because I'm aware of many friends who don't have degrees and yet find themselves in promising start-ups and importing businesses. At the same time, I also know many others who have Masters degrees but struggle in securing jobs to support themselves. So I ask again, what is the advantage of going to college? #college #career #help #college-advice #general-advice #choice

What is the best piece of career advice you ever got?
I don't know if I can ask the perfect question for my particular situation, so I thought maybe I can ask you for the best advie you ever got about your own career. Maybe what helped you can be the perfect advice for me. Please share what your situation was and what the advice was. Thank you and happy Friday :) #general-advice