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Is it possible for a 10-year-old to write a show?

Hello! I'm 13, going on 14, and my little sibling (any pronouns) is 10. They're very ambitious and determined to write an indie animated show. In fact, he's already written a seven-minute script for the pilot episode, all in a proper screenwriting format.

She's obviously determined to do this and is willing to take up as much work as possible to make it happen. Since they're only ten, I'm here to help them write and direct it. I'm old enough to use casting websites to help him get people to work on it.

I'm just a little worried that they might be shooting a little too high too early. I've told them to do a lot of thinking and planning before deciding to make a series at this age, they have, and their answer is yes. Should I ask her to wait until she's a little older and more certain she can finish this project or should I help him to achieve it now? He's already doing directing, writing, and some art and possibly the music, so we just need a few more people.

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4 answers

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Chinyere’s Answer

Hello William,

That's amazing that your sibling is so passionate about filmmaking at such a young age! Their ambition and determination are inspiring. While it's understandable to have concerns about taking on such a big project, it's also important to nurture their creativity and enthusiasm.

Reasons to Support Their Endeavor:

Learning Experience: This project can be a valuable learning experience for both of you. They'll learn about storytelling, teamwork, problem-solving, and perseverance.
Skill Development: Taking on this project will help them develop essential skills like writing, planning, and organization.
Confidence Building: Successfully completing a project of this magnitude can boost their self-esteem and confidence.
Bonding Opportunity: Working together on a creative project can strengthen your sibling relationship.

Considerations and Suggestions:
Realistic Expectations: It's important to manage expectations. Explain that creating a full-fledged animated series is a complex process that takes time and resources. Focus on making the pilot episode the best it can be.
Break it Down: Divide the project into smaller, manageable steps. This will help prevent overwhelm and keep the project moving forward.
Seek Guidance: Consider reaching out to local film schools, community centers, or online resources for advice and support.
Explore Alternatives: If creating a full series seems too daunting, explore other options like creating short films or animated shorts.
Balance: Encourage your sibling to maintain a balance between their creative pursuits and other responsibilities like school and hobbies.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to pursue the project is up to your sibling. Your role as a supportive sibling is crucial. By providing guidance, encouragement, and practical help, you can empower them to achieve their goals.

Best wishes!
Thank you comment icon Thank you so much! It's a little daunting, but I'm confident now that we can do this. :) William
Thank you comment icon Glad I could help! Chinyere Okafor
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Garima’s Answer

Hello William,

Wow, your sibling is truly gifted and talented at such a young age. Only a few people have this level of creativity at that age.

So, the answer is definitely yes—encourage and support your sibling because they truly deserve it. However, it’s also important to balance encouragement with a bit of realism. It’s possible for a 10-year-old to make an animated series, but it’s a big task. Here are some suggestions before getting started:

1. Start Small: Consider what working method suits your sibling best. After all, they’re just 10 years old, so managing the workload is essential.

2. Network Wisely: When networking, only involve the right people. It’s crucial for a child working in the entertainment industry to be surrounded by safe and supportive individuals. Safety is the top priority.

3. Make a Solid Plan: This plan should include how much support you can realistically provide (financially, physically, and through networking).

Ultimately, if they’re truly passionate about this project, your support and encouragement are exactly what they need to achieve their dream.

Here are some examples of people who started young:

1. Shigeru Miyamoto: The video game designer behind *Super Mario* began creating his own games at a very young age.

2. Avatar: The Last Airbender: While not created by kids, the show’s creators started developing creative projects as teens, which eventually led to the iconic animated series.

I hope you both achieve what you desire. Best of luck on your journey!

Garima recommends the following next steps:

Start small
Network Wisely
Make a solid Plan
Have fun
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Michelle’s Answer

Hello, William !

This question is awesome, outstanding and totally amazing !

Your sibling deserves all the applause, support and encouragement that you can give. I partially wrote, produced as well as acted in a theatrical show when I was 10, so it is very truly possible for it to be a reality and a success. The key was that my co-producer and I had enormous amounts of support for this. When I was older, I also taught acting to children as young as 6 and 8 years old and they did wonderful performance projects during the course. Each child has different talents and different abilities. Your sibling has the ambition to begin at age 10 and that is something to feel great about and be supportive of.

You should not tell your sibling to wait. Encourage your sibling and offer as much assistance as you can. Help make this memory for your sibling that, when older, can be looked back on and bring a smile to the face. You also deserve special praise for having your sibling's best interest at heart and participating in some very important aspects of your sibling's project. Your sibling needs this experience. Don't let anything hold your sibling back.

Keep in mind that all Independent Videographers and Filmmakers as well as Theatre people all work in their own time. If it takes your sibling a bit of time to work out something on the production, allow your sibling to do what needs to be done. Your sibling will learn more and more with each project your sibling works on. Use patience and understanding and let the sibling be the director. We all learn by trial and error.

By all means, definitely support this project. If it is animation as you've mentioned, your access to casting websites will be very helpful for voice over talent. If there is any live action involved, your help with casting would greatly help your sibling.

Best wishes with this wonderful, exciting project and being part of making it a reality for your sibling.
Thank you comment icon Thank you so much! I'm a little nervous to help them out since it's my first time being in charge (or co-in charge) of something like this. They're very excited to work on it and begged me multiple times to use my account to find voice actors and animators, haha! William
Thank you comment icon You are welcome, William. You are a very special person to help them and through it, who knows, you may enjoy a possible future career as a Casting Director ! Have fun, and I wish all good things for this project ! Michelle M.
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JOHN’s Answer


One element for the possibilities of heightened results - passionate drive. Looks like your sibling has that. The education. The learning abilities within the various aspects of movie making, are a plus regardless of the career potential and/or long-term desires. So, learning beautifies the life insightfulness and that will forever blossom one's prosperous steps. - if no profile yet. A site for lovely informational embraces and networking!

Also, what a present your love for your sibling roots into your roads and theirs.

Great job!

Remain down this avenue as continues, as the wisdom found through these moments, and memorable togetherness with your sibling, well seed the approval of this to go on.

Gratitude within your roads.

God Bless,

John German
Thank you comment icon Thank you! William