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Is it okay to apply for internships as a recent graduate?

I recently graduated in May with a B.A. in English, but the job search is feeling very difficult because there doesn't seem to be many openings for the positions I want to do (grant writing or editorial/publishing). There seem to be more internship (paid) listings, some of which are open to recent grads, so I was wondering if it would be a good idea to apply for these internships so that I can at least hopefully earn more experience in the meantime? Or is it better to focus on trying to find a full time job? Thank you.

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5 answers

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Anna’s Answer

Hello Suzy,

Firstly, a big round of applause for your graduation - that's simply splendid! Now, I know you're fresh out of college, but don't let that deter you from applying for internships. They're stepping stones to landing your dream job, so go for it with all your heart!

Building a strong network is crucial, and you're in luck because New York is a fantastic place to start. The English-speaking professional world is surprisingly interconnected, so you never know who might lead you to your next big opportunity. My advice? Start sending out applications to various internships that align with your field of study. And remember, always check reviews to ensure you're stepping into a positive environment.

Internships offer invaluable real-world experience and can help you decide if it's the right career path for you. Plus, being in the vibrant city of New York, you'll have ample opportunities to write articles, teach, or kickstart your communication internships in English.

I'm confident you'll do great things. Best of luck on your journey!

Warm regards,
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emila’s Answer

I completely understand your concerns about the job market, and it's great that you're considering alternative options to gain experience. Applying for paid internships can be a fantastic way to:

Gain relevant experience: Internships can provide valuable hands-on experience in your desired field, which can be beneficial when applying for full-time jobs later on.
Build your network: Internships can help you connect with professionals in your industry, potentially leading to job opportunities or valuable recommendations.
Enhance your skills: You'll have the chance to develop skills specific to grant writing or editorial/publishing, making you a more competitive candidate for future job applications.
Earn a steady income: Paid internships can provide a financial safety net while you continue to job hunt.
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Jerome’s Answer

I think a lot of these roles are filled through connections. I would reach out to your alumni association and ask for assistance. I would also highly recommend networking and connecting with people face-to-face. As people get to know you and like you, they may be willing to connect these type of opportunities.
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John’s Answer

Hi Suzy,

Actually I would approach it from both sides. Apply for the internships and for the jobs directly. If you are successful in landing a paid internship, this will definitely be your first step in gaining valuable experience. If you're successful in landing a full-time job, so much the better.
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Michelle’s Answer

Hello, Suzy !

Great question about your next steps for applying to career jobs.

You are right in the hub of the publishing and grant writing world in New York City. I would advise applying straight for employment in your field. My suggestion is to send a resume and cover letter to all of the publishers in New York City and you can even consider applying for Editing jobs. Remember that there are also publishers based online, ones that work for writers that self-publish, so you should apply to all of them as well and consider some remote work, too. Many times in this field of work, the companies do not advertise their openings online, some do, but a lot don't, so it pays to send out cover letters to any company that is connected to publishing, editing and writing whether it's for on site or remote work. Keep in mind that many times these companies request a sample of your writing so gather all of your writings and be ready to send examples of your work.

As for Grant Writing, there is a huge United Way in Manhattan. Go there to their personnel office and you can apply for a grant evaluator position and maybe a different position that would be connected to their grants or the grants they give out. Sometimes looking for employment is in itself a full time job. One must cover a lot of ground. I wouldn't end at United Way. There are tons of non-profits in New York City that need good and effective grant writers. Apply to every one of them (pace yourself, I know it sounds like a lot of work and it is, but well worth the effort).

Think about building community and resources for getting to know new people and making friends and contacts in the industry. Explore the college that you graduated from because sometimes they have services, resources, referrals and events for writers. Attend Writers Conferences. Some of these are Digital Summit NYC, ASJA’s 48th Annual Writers Conference and Writer’s Digest Annual Conference. Links to these are in the third website link I have left below.

You can use a website called Writing to store your writing in a portfolio that is included when you register there. This will be convenient anytime an employer requests samples of your writing. I left the link to this website below.

So, Suzy, I would cover a lot of ground applying for employment and consider applying directly for the work you want on line and also applying in person. There certainly is a lot of ground to cover in New York City and remember that networking and meeting people in the industry is one of the top priorities for this wonderful career.

Wishing you all the best in the fabulous publishing and grant writing world in NYC !

Michelle recommends the following next steps: