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best place or source to learn web developing path?

best place or source to learn web developing path?

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Doc’s Answer

Because web development is such a multidisciplinary field, developers usually specialize in either front-end or back-end development. However, skilled developers may be confident enough to tackle full-stack web development. Here’s a closer look at the 3 types of web development.
In front-end web development, the focus is on user-facing parts of the site. Developers code the parts of a site that users see and interact with, including mobile iterations of the site. This is the area of web development that has the largest overlap with small business web design, as both tend to work on user interface (UI) and experience elements. However, it’s front-end developers who bring designers’ ideas to life. Front-end web developers usually use a mix of three programming languages. HTML helps structure content while CSS allows to define typography, colors and layout. Finally, JavaScript controls the dynamic parts of the page, such as forms, animations and pop-ups.
If front-end development encompasses user-facing features, then you can probably surmise on your own that back-end development focuses on behind-the-scenes features. Users never see this part of a website and for good reason—it’s a confusing array of databases, application programming interfaces (APIs) and programming languages. Back-end developers ensure a site is functioning as it should by organizing and maintaining the databases that hold the site’s content. Often, they’ll build these databases from the ground up, create queries to help search for specific pieces of data and take measures to keep the data secure.
Full-stack web development is the combination of front-end and back-end web development. As you might guess, this is a complicated field that requires expert developers proficient in a broad range of technologies and programming languages. Full-stack web development requires you to have a thorough grasp of the entire development process from all sides.

What does it take to become a web developer? Essentially, just three things: HTML, CSS and JavaScript—the three pillars of the web, which we’ll be learning about over the next few lessons. Together, these three pillars make every website work, defining the content to be displayed (HTML), telling a browser how to display that content (CSS), and making the content interactive (JavaScript), respectively. A web developer is well versed in these three technologies. They can read other people’s code and make changes to it. They can find and debug bugs (shortcomings in existing code). A web developer might, at times, work on a new project (a new website) from scratch, or may have to work on an existing website and make it better. A typical day in the life of a web developer involves fixing bugs, developing new features (that is, enhancements) and webpages, and working with other developers to discuss ways to solve problems.

Don’t be overwhelmed by all of these details. You’ll soon see that they’re all very connected, and learning one of these automatically makes you good at a few others.
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Kaushal’s Answer

Your ultimate guide to JavaScript is right here: It's a fantastic resource that will surely boost your skills. Dive in and let the learning begin!
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Will’s Answer

Hey Amelia,

Welcome to CareerVillage and great job posting your first question!

Here are three main buckets as a starting point to learn web development:

1. Online Learning Platforms:
- FreeCodeCamp: This platform offers a free, self-paced curriculum specifically designed for beginners. It covers HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more.
- Codecademy: Provides interactive coding lessons and projects for web development. It offers a variety of courses, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and popular frameworks like React and Angular.

2. YouTube Channels:
- The Net Ninja: This channel provides easy-to-follow tutorials on web development technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The instructor explains concepts in a friendly and engaging manner.
- Traversy Media: Offers a variety of web development tutorials and guides, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and popular frameworks like React and Node.js.

3. Official Documentation and Websites:
- Mozilla Developer Network (MDN): This website provides comprehensive documentation and tutorials on web development technologies. It covers HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more.
- W3Schools: Offers beginner-friendly tutorials and references for web development languages and technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and popular frameworks.

It's important to start with the basics and gradually build your skills. Don't hesitate to experiment and practice by building small projects. Additionally, consider joining online communities or coding clubs at school to connect with peers who share your interest in web development.

Best luck!!
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John’s Answer

Hey Amelia,

Where can you start learning web development?

Well to answer this question I would start from YouTube because there are a wide range of tutorials that you can find about web development and you can start slowly learning bits of important aspects here and there. You can pause, rewind and revisit videos which makes it great to grasp concepts at your own pace.

Secondly web development is a large area to cover, firstly lets start with the small steps or basics and build from there. Here is how I would suggest approaching this question.

HTML: I would learn HTML which is the basic foundation of web development. It is like learning the skeleton of a webpage, by learning this you will know how to structure content which is the first step in creating a website.

CSS: Once you know HTML, learning cascading style sheets lets you add style and design onto your webpage it is like a clothing onto your webpage, it helps with the layout and presentation.

JavaScript: After you have studied HTML and CSS you can enter into studying JavaScript which makes your website interactive for example buttons that users can press.

I would start with these basic understanding of these technologies to which I mentioned above and start developing personal projects or websites, I would highly encourage you to start developing projects since you will learn more. As you progress more into this field you will be able to learn much more advanced technologies in web development such as for example ReactJS. Again I would start from the basics and work my way up into web development. Slowly overtime you will grasp more concepts and will be able to build really great websites!

Hopefully my answer helps!