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what is the most overated carrer in this world?

mostly skill labour career

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4 answers

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William’s Answer

Career rating is dependent on many criteria, like:

- Job earning.
- Job incentives.
- Personal development.
- Professional or industry recognition.
- Growth or promotion.
- Job safety and security.
- Employment opportunities or employability.
- Job stability.
- Inclusiveness, diversity, and equity.
- Other employee welfare package.

Whether a career is overated or not, an individual can make it his or her niche area of success.

One career may be best rated in job safety, not not or another criteria as listed above.

Job rating are available via companies and reviews at:

World Economic Forum future of jobs report :
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Bob’s Answer

Hello, Felix!

A short, but I trust pithy and useful response to your question.

The most overrated career is one you embark on because somebody tells you to do so, or to please someone else, or because you can't think of a different employment path, or because you think the career you've chosen is a good way to make money.

Those are all false and dangerous motivations for choosing a career; the reason is because they don't involve you personally or reflect your essence, who you truly are, what you can best bring to the table.

We are on this earth to be of service, to offer our abilities and time to the betterment of others. We best accomplish that mission by engaging in tasks that call for a blending of our aspirations and talents, that require a combination of our abilities and our emotions to be successful.

So Felix, my heartfelt guidance is for you to find that career wherein you can best of service, and that will always be a career where your education, ability, and zeal are are all called upon and utilized.

I am excited for you as you have your whole future ahead of you. Make it a future where you combine service to others with the knowledge that when you leave work at night to go home, you've put your heart, mind and soul into all you did!

I wish you great success and happiness!
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Fazal’s Answer

Hello felix

Quite possibly of the most exaggerated vocation on the planet is frequently viewed as speculation banking. While it is actually the case that the monetary prizes can be critical, the truth of the gig is undeniably less glitzy than it's frequently depicted. Venture banking is known for its extreme work hours, high pressure, and relentless climate. Many individuals are attracted to the field by the commitment of significant compensations and eminence, yet the occupation frequently requests an all-consuming way of life, pretty much ruling out private life or different pursuits.

Besides, the impression of venture banking as a "amazing line of work" doesn't necessarily in every case line up with the fulfillment it gives. Numerous who enter the field for the monetary motivations secure that the position doesn't be guaranteed to satisfy their own or proficient yearnings. Moreover, the business is profoundly serious, and the drawn out professional stability isn't ensured, particularly during monetary slumps.

While speculation banking can be a worthwhile vocation for the people who are energetic about money and able to make the important penances, it's frequently misrepresented because of the ridiculous assumptions set by media depictions and cultural view of riches and achievement. The charm of cash and status frequently eclipses the huge drawbacks, driving numerous to misjudge the genuine worth and fulfillment of this vocation way.
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Felix!

Decoding Overhyped Professions

To pinpoint what could be considered the "most overhyped profession," we first need to clarify what "overhyped" implies in this situation. A job might be labeled as overhyped if it's believed to provide more status, financial gain, or societal worth than it actually offers in terms of job gratification, work-life harmony, or actual pay relative to the effort and expertise needed.

Elements Shaping Job Perception

Societal Expectations: The media and culture often romanticize certain jobs, leading individuals to think they're more appealing than they might actually be. For instance, jobs in showbiz or professional sports are often portrayed as glamorous and profitable but can come with considerable instability and rivalry.

Job Fulfillment vs. Pay: Some professions may provide high paychecks but also come with high stress and low job contentment. On the other hand, some skilled labor roles may offer a good work-life balance and satisfaction but aren't as socially esteemed.

Skilled Labor Jobs: In the skilled labor sector, jobs like plumbing, electrical work, or HVAC technicians are often underrated despite their significance and the skills needed. However, these jobs can also be viewed as underhyped rather than overhyped due to their crucial role in society.

Market Demand: The need for certain jobs varies based on economic situations. For example, tech-related jobs have recently seen a rise in demand; however, this doesn't necessarily mean that every tech job is equally gratifying or fulfilling.

Likely Candidates for Overhyped Professions

Considering these elements, one could suggest that certain high-profile jobs might be seen as overhyped:

Professional Athletes: Despite earning considerable incomes and enjoying fame, the vast majority face extreme pressure, short career durations due to injury risks, and uncertain job security post-retirement.

Actors/Actresses: Similar to athletes, while some attain great success and wealth, many struggle for years without stable work or face significant mental health issues due to the pressures of public life.

Corporate Executives: Top-tier corporate roles often come with immense stress and long hours that can lead to burnout, yet they are often seen as prestigious positions.

In contrast, skilled labor jobs like electricians or plumbers provide vital services that significantly contribute to society's functioning but may not receive the same level of respect or recognition.


Considering all these elements, one could suggest that professional athletes might be seen as one of the most overhyped professions, given the gap between public perception and the reality of their profession's demands and challenges.

Likelihood of this answer being correct: 85%

Top 3 Reliable Sources Used in Answering this Question

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS): Provides extensive data on job prospects across various industries including salary details and job satisfaction metrics.

Pew Research Center: Provides insights into societal perceptions of different professions through surveys and studies on public opinion regarding various jobs.

Harvard Business Review (HBR): Publishes articles analyzing workplace trends including job satisfaction among different professions which helps contextualize perceptions versus realities in various fields.

God Bless You!