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How do I become a successful engineer?

I am in 7th grade and I want to know what main skills you need to become an engineer.

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Sheila’s Answer

Thanks for the great question!

I am a mechanical engineer by training, and so I will comment on what was interesting for me over my career. Mechanical engineering is a fantastic basis for many roles.

A great foundation for this career is math and science classes. To be an engineer, you would need to go to university for 4 years. Many people enter programs which offer co-op/internships. For these, you can work a few of your school terms. This enables work experience, different career areas to experience, and an opportunity to earn money along the way. For these programs, it could take 5+ years.

There are many types of engineering – Chemical, Mechanical, Electrical, Systems, Software, Industrial, Manufacturing and more. For mechanical engineering, there are also many sub-focus areas, so you can pick the area(s) that you find the most interesting. Some examples include: Thermal systems/fluids, Mechanical Structures, Materials, and Automotive design.

I have enjoyed my career with my engineering foundation. I currently lead a company which helps businesses operate more efficiently using software tools and artificial intelligence aids. Prior to this, I led a team for the Advanced System Integration of defense/military vehicles and projects. In addition, I had many other roles in my career in the automotive industry including thermal engineer, design/release engineer, vehicle systems engineer, system safety engineer, and a variety of engineering leader roles. The mechanical engineering foundation enabled me to have a successful and wide variety of career experiences.

Best wishes to you as you explore your future career.
Thank you comment icon Thank you, this is really helpful. Spencer
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Bryan’s Answer

This is a good question. As an engineer we use a lot of math and science.
These are the two broad subjects needed for just about any type of engineer. Depending on what type of engineer depends on what specific science and other skills. For instance, if you want to be an electrical engineer, physics and math will be your main subjects. One way to know for sure is to figure out what type of engineer you want to be. Start broad. Do you want to be an electrical, software, mechanical, civil, or another type. There are lots of resources out there (like this website) to find out what these type of engineers do. From there you can figure out what skills/classes you'll need for your future career as an engineer.
I hope this helps!
Thank you comment icon Thank you! Spencer
Thank you comment icon What are the main skills you need if you want to be a mechanical engineer? Spencer
Thank you comment icon I can't tell you specifics (I'm a computer engineer), but I know they need physics for sure. Look around for questions related to mechanical engineer. I found one but I'm sure there's more. Hope that helped a little! Bryan Kalkhoff
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Cory’s Answer

There is no formula (oddly enough) to become an engineer.

I would offer you’re well on your way:

You show interest.
You show a willingness to learn.
You want to know how it works.

Every engineer ever needed those three things and you have them without being taught.

Here is the hard part….what do you want to make or do with your skills and potential to be an engineer?

I would tell you to excel at engineering you need to be able to imagine and innovate. Best ways to practice that are to find a problem and solve it. Doesn’t have to be mechanical, civil, structural or anything specific.

I started out wiring entertainment systems and stereo systems with components off the shelf. Problem I solved was “can’t get this stuff to work”.

Go solve some stuff and you will find out what you’re good at. This will help you pick an engineering discipline. Don’t worry about getting skills go find the ones you have.

Good luck.