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How to get into a college to become a vet?

Hello! I am a Junior in high school and I am looking to become a vet for wildlife and/or zoos, what can I do to give myself a better chance at getting into that field? I am currently taking classes like Intro To Ecology and my school has a farm so I was able to participate in clubs that take care of the pens and the animals.

An extra question I have is also, what colleges in PA have the best Vet tech, Veterinarian, Zoologist programs?

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Zachery’s Answer

My first piece of advice is to start working for an animal shelter. If you can't work there, you most likely can volunteer. Try to talk to the shelter coordinator (the boss) and let them know you are interested in becoming a vet tech and that you would like to be involved in anything and everything the shelter does that might educate you or improve your skills, such as handling animals. Some shelters (not all) even allow volunteers to assist in their medical area during procedures. You might be able to find opportunity at a veterinarian office as well. Not only will you gain skills and experience, but you will also be able to put it on a resume for future employers to see.
I don't know the best schools for vet training, but my strategy would be to search "best veterinarian school Pennsylvania." The search will likely result with a few sites that rank the best schools for a veterinarian degree in PA. I would open 3 to 5 of those pages and see if any of the schools show up on more than one of those pages. You also will want to find out what school is best suited for you, for example, is it near where you live? What is the tuition? How long is the program (2 year or 4 year)? Make a list of the schools that you might like and then analyze further and narrow the list down.