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What are some steps I can take currently as a student to become a police officer in the future?

I am a 7th grader who is very big and was told to be a police officer as a joke by my family. I took it lightly and realized that I could be a police officer for more than just my physical appearance. I can help people in danger and stop future danger from happening. I just don’t know where to start and I want to reach this dream.

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Kevin’s Answer


First, I think its fantastic you are thinking of becoming a police officer. When I was young like you, I would watch police shows on TV and would play "police". I liked pretending I could take control of trouble and bad situations.

To be a police officer, you need a couple of different things. First is wanting to help people. Being a police officer can be a very rewarding job. Although alot of the time people do not apreciate what we do, many people do thank us. I wanted to help people, like you, and thats why I became an officer.

Secondly, you need to be physically and mentally strong. Bad people dont always listen to us, and sometimes fight us. To protect ourselves, and to protect innocent people, we need to be strong. You should play sports that you like, watch what you eat, and make your body strong. Having physical strength helps you become mentally strong too.

Third, be good. I know that sounds silly, but its very true. If you get into trouble alot, commit crimes, and are nasty to others, police departments will not want to hire you. Live every day like your police chief is watching you. Make him proud!

And lastly, do well in school. Your education is very important. Doing well in school helps you develope the ability to solve problems. It also shows that you care about being the best person you can be.

I hope my answer helps, and that you eventually become a fantastic police officer. And remember, you can accomplish anything you want if you give it your very best effort!

Yours truly,

Thank you comment icon Thank you Kevin this will definitely help me in the future and if you see me in the future in police work I will tell you a complete formal thank you. Luis
Thank you comment icon I do have one follow up question. What type of schooling or university and major should I be pursuing in the US Luis