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What can I do to get a good paying jobs and what are the skills I need to get a job ?

I want to get a job when I’m fourteen and I want a good paying job to help my parents what are the skills I need to put in the job application

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Patrick’s Answer

Owen, it's important to understand that to land a well-paid job at your age, you need to build and showcase a solid base of fundamental skills in your job application. Begin by honing key skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving, which are widely appreciated in many job roles. Also, becoming adept at managing your time and being reliable can make you stand out as a trustworthy candidate. You can gain hands-on experience and boost your resume by volunteering, doing internships, or taking up part-time jobs. Make sure to spotlight any relevant skills or experiences in your job application, underlining your dedication to learning and your eagerness to make a positive impact in the workplace. Showing passion and a robust work ethic can greatly enhance your odds of getting a well-paid job that can help support your parents financially.
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Rash’s Answer

It's truly admirable that you're eager to contribute and support your family. Don't worry if your resume isn't filled with extensive work experience just yet. Instead, focus on showcasing your unique abilities. Maybe you're an athlete? That's a testament to your commitment and hard work - a valuable skill indeed! Or perhaps you're creative? That's another fantastic skill! I urge you to reflect on your daily activities and identify the skills you're already mastering. LinkedIn Learning is an excellent resource to further develop your skills in a professional context. Keep going, you're doing great!
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Amanda’s Answer

What do you like to do, and how can that apply to a job?

If you tend to focus on one task ta a time until it's done, you can list that you are "A diligent worker" and that you are "task focused".

If you have held leadership positions in clubs or organizations, that gives you leadership skills. If you've been secretary for clubs or organizations, that gives you good awareness for detail and usually good organizational skills.

Personally, I was a DM for a Dungeons and Dragons group and made a point to list in my applications that I "Organized, scheduled, and created group-based projects with time-lines and achievable end goals" and that I had experience "Overseeing teams with different skill sets and maintaining objective."

Basically, it's all about thinking about how you can phrase the things you've already been doing into a work-environment. You have the skills for a lot of the positions that are going to be available to you, just think about how to rephrase those skills!
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Shweta’s Answer

Hello Owen,

It's truly inspiring to see your ambition and desire to enhance your professional skills! Here's a little guidance to help you along the way. Always remember, true success and enjoyment in work comes from doing what you love. So, your first task is to identify your passions and interests.

Once you've pinpointed your areas of interest, the next step is to dive deeper. Explore the opportunities that these fields offer, stay updated with the latest trends, and start working towards gaining expertise in these areas.

Consider this advice as a stepping stone on your path to a thriving career.

Wishing you nothing but the best on this exciting journey!
Thank you comment icon This was super helpful, thank you! Owen
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Chinyere’s Answer

Hello Owen!

It's great that you want to help your parents at such a young age!

Getting a good-paying job at 14 can be challenging because there are some limitations on the types of work you can do and the hours you can work due to child labor laws. However, there are still opportunities for you to earn money and gain valuable experience. Here are some steps you can take and skills to develop to increase your chances of getting a good-paying job:

Steps to Get a Good-Paying Job at 14

Research Local Laws: Understand the laws in your area regarding youth employment. Certain jobs may require a work permit, and there are often restrictions on the number of hours you can work.

Look for Age-Appropriate Jobs: Consider jobs that are commonly available to younger teens, such as:

Babysitting or pet sitting
Dog walking
Lawn mowing or yard work
Tutoring younger children
Assisting in family businesses
Working at a local grocery store, restaurant, or retail store (if allowed by local laws)
Online tasks, such as surveys or small gigs on safe and age-appropriate platforms

Network with Family and Friends: Ask family friends, neighbors, or community members if they need help with tasks you can do. Personal recommendations can often help you find jobs that are not advertised publicly.

Prepare a Simple Resume: Create a basic resume listing any skills you have, volunteer work, or any informal jobs you've done, such as babysitting or lawn care. Include your name, contact information, any relevant experience, and references (if available).

Apply and Follow Up: When applying for a job, whether online or in person, make sure to follow up with the employer after submitting your application to show your interest.

Skills to Highlight in Your Job Application
Responsibility: Show that you are reliable and can be trusted to handle tasks independently. Examples could include being punctual, following instructions, and taking care of valuable items (like pets or a child).

Communication: Highlight your ability to communicate effectively with others, both in writing and verbally. Good communication is crucial in all jobs, whether you are explaining homework to a younger child or dealing with a customer.

Time Management: Employers want to know that you can manage your time effectively, especially if you are balancing school and work. Mention any experiences where you successfully juggled multiple responsibilities.

Basic Technical Skills: Familiarity with basic computer skills, such as using word processors or spreadsheets, can be an asset, especially for any online tasks or small office jobs.

Customer Service Skills: Demonstrating politeness, patience, and the ability to listen to others is important in jobs that involve interacting with people, such as retail or food service.

Adaptability and Willingness to Learn: Show that you are open to learning new skills and can adapt to different tasks. This is particularly appealing to employers who may want someone they can train for various roles.

Teamwork and Collaboration: Highlight any experiences where you worked well with others, such as group projects in school or team sports. Being able to work as part of a team is important for most jobs.

Problem-Solving: Show that you can think on your feet and solve problems that may come up, such as handling a difficult customer or figuring out the best way to complete a task.

Tips for Job Applications at 14

Keep it Professional: Use a professional tone in your resume and job applications. Make sure everything is neat, well-written, and free of grammatical errors.
Show Enthusiasm: Employers like to hire young people who are enthusiastic and eager to learn. Make sure your application reflects your willingness to work hard and learn new skills.
Get References: If possible, include references from teachers, coaches, or neighbors who can speak to your character and reliability.

By focusing on building these skills and effectively highlighting them in your job applications, you will increase your chances of finding a good-paying job that can help you support your parents.

Best wishes!