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What qualities do I need to join the military?

I am a 7th grade student and I’m not sure if I want to join the military without knowing the qualifications.

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Kevin P’s Answer

First and foremost, I have a son named Kade so I needed to answer this!

I appreciate you asking this before just signing up. I do want to say it looks like you asked two different questions and I’ll answer both.

What qualities do you need and what qualifications are there to join.

Qualities: you need to be able to listen to authority, take orders, all be on time, have a great attitude, desire to serve, and want to be a leader.

Qualifications: be physically fit, have a diploma, not get in trouble, and be 18 years old.

Let’s put those two aspects together. You can start a lot of this now. Always be early to anything you do. Always make your bed. Never be told twice to do anything. Any chores you have, do them better than expected. Listen to teachers and adults. Say sir or Ma’am. Say thank you and you’re welcome. Walk with your head held high.

Basic training is designed to test you. Not just physically but mentally as well. They will teach you that life is not fair and then make it more unfair to teach you that you will over come this.

It’s worth it. I have been in for 18 years. I love the military. It’s made me a better person. A better man. Husband, father, friend, leader.

So you probably have all the qualities and qualifications by the time you turn 18. Now go get after it!!
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Ryan’s Answer

Hello Kade, former Air Force Officer here. You sort of asked two different questions there. The qualifications to enter the military are relatively straightforward and minimal. You will probably need a high school diploma or GED, be about 18-years old (sometimes you can join at 16 or 17 with parent permission - talk to a recruiter if this applies to you), be able to pass a physical exam, and have a clean criminal record.

Although you may be able to get in with just these qualifications, you would be wise to also be in good physical shape, and have a good handle on reading, math, and writing. High scores on your initial fitness test and ASVAB (military equivalent of the SAT or ACT basically) will set you up for success by qualifying for the specific job you may want to do in the military.

Those are all the qualifications you need, but there are many more qualities that you would benefit from. To be a good fit for the military you should be willing to put service before yourself, you should be an exceptional team player, good communicator, courageous, able tot hink quickly on your feet, be able to listen to authority figures and follow their directions, have good attention to detail, have pride in your personal appearence, be physically fit, patriotic, etc.

I hope that helps answer your question? Let me know if you have more questions.
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Allan’s Answer

Absolutely! Staying physically fit is a fantastic attribute, especially for a military career. Equally vital is your ability to listen well and tackle obstacles head-on. Being an exceptional and just leader is also a crucial trait. I'm rooting for you to accomplish your ambition of being part of the world's finest military.
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Jerome’s Answer

Does your school have an ROTC? If they do, that could be a good introduction to the process and creates a safe space for you to learn more about career military service.
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Kade!

Qualities Needed to Join the Military

Joining the military is a significant commitment that requires various qualities and qualifications. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what you need to consider:

1. Age Requirements To enlist in the military, you typically need to be at least 17 years old with parental consent or 18 years old without it. Each branch may have different age limits, so it’s essential to check specific requirements for the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard.

2. Educational Qualifications Most branches of the military require a high school diploma or equivalent (such as a GED). As a 7th grader, focusing on your studies and maintaining good grades will help you meet this requirement when you reach high school.

3. Physical Fitness Physical fitness is crucial for military service. You will need to pass physical fitness tests that assess your strength, endurance, and overall health. Regular exercise and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can prepare you for these requirements.

4. Mental Aptitude The military requires candidates to take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test, which measures your abilities in various areas such as math, science, reading comprehension, and mechanical comprehension. Preparing for this test can enhance your chances of qualifying for your desired role in the military.

5. Citizenship Status You must be a U.S. citizen or a legal resident alien to join the military. This requirement ensures that all service members have legal standing within the country.

6. Background Check A thorough background check is conducted on all applicants to ensure they meet security clearance requirements. This includes checking criminal history and other factors that could affect your eligibility.

7. Commitment to Service Joining the military requires a strong sense of duty and commitment to serve your country. This includes being willing to follow orders and work as part of a team under challenging conditions.

8. Personal Qualities Certain personal qualities are highly valued in military service:

Discipline: The ability to follow rules and regulations.
Resilience: The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties.
Leadership Skills: The potential to lead others effectively.
Teamwork: The ability to work well with others towards common goals.
Adaptability: Being flexible and able to adjust to new situations quickly.

In summary, if you’re considering joining the military in the future, focus on your education, physical fitness, mental preparation through studying for tests like the ASVAB, and developing personal qualities such as discipline and teamwork.

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used in Answering this Question:

1. U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)
The official website provides comprehensive information about enlistment criteria across all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces.

This site offers detailed guides on joining the military, including qualifications needed for each branch along with resources for preparing for enlistment tests.

3. ASVAB Program Official Website
The official site dedicated to the ASVAB test provides insights into what subjects are covered in the exam and how it impacts enlistment eligibility.

Probability that this answer is correct: 95%

God Bless You!