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What are your three strongest qualities How do they help you in life??

it is writing essay look like some writing task two pls gimme the example for this one pls

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Bob’s Answer

Hi there, Jack, and what a marvelous question.

In my view there is only one over-arching quality that informs and supplies all others of any worth, and that quality is love. It is love that provides us the strength to endure hardships and suffering, but more importantly, it is love that affords us the wisdom, courage and energy to practice the philosophy of Jesus: a reverence for life.

Dr. Albert Schweitzer gave us this philosophy, a philosophy that deems all life to have innate value, that says no creature may be relegated to a mere means to some human end, that lays upon mankind the sacred duty of stewardship of all nature, all life, all God's creatures.

Love protects, assists, and enhances life, and there is no stronger quality in the world, and none more important or needed than that.

So cultivate love, Jack, for all life. Share your daily love such that other creatures thrive and enjoy their lives, such that all you say and do is aimed at serving the earth, our shared home, and you will be amazed at just how strong you really are.

May God bless you in your journey.
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Kevin P’s Answer

Hey there Jack, I have always struggled answering my three strongest qualities because I feel like I am just gloating about myself. But this may help you project.

My 3 strongest qualities are 1) remaining calm and composed in high stress environments. 2) being resilient and positive regardless of adversity. 3) bringing a group of individuals together to form a team focused on a common goal.

Before I discuss each one I would like to point out, others have told me these are some of my best qualities.

1 - Being calm is critical because decision making should never happen when frantic or overwhelmed. Analyzing a problem in a composed manner helps you make clear and concise decisions.

2 - Bad things will happen. This is life but pushing through is how we succeed. Understanding that the growth from the bad times makes us stronger and makes the easier times even easier.

3 - without a clear concise goal a group of people working towards a goal is not team, it is a collection of individuals working towards confusion. I enjoy being the glue that binds this group.

I hope this helps your writing task. Best of luck.
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Peter’s Answer

CURIOSITY: be inquisitive, ask others their opinions, perspectives, and their approaches to certain things. Everyone does things a bit differently, and there are potential new answers and solutions to problems hidden in other people’s thinking. be open to and look for new and novel ways of doing things. Ask questions, listen and observe: Seek first to understand, not to explain. Try something new: Take a different route to work or school, read a book in a genre you usually avoid, go to an art gallery you wouldn’t normally go to, try an new activity, learn a new skill that is outside your comfort zone, engage with a topic you don't understand. Each of these activities opens your mind to new points of view.

Curiosity expands the minds and the lens your able to view the world, people an places. It can enable you to displace potential biases and lead to broader understanding. it enables adaptability. This is especially important in todays interconnected and frenetically changing technology and environment. Be a lifelong continuous learner, inside and outside a classroom and engage with those around you and whom you respect and admire.

CARING: Care for people, care about the community care about the environment, care for your fellow humans. Getting involved is a critical component be a caring person. Having empathy is part of being a caring person. Caring for others is not only about helping and putting the needs of others before our personal interests, but it is also the ability to hear, understand and recognize others’ needs and feelings. It's about being responsible, kind, thoughtful, generous and so much more.

HONESTY: Being honest not only with others but also with yourself (part of being self-aware).

Certainly their are more characteristics/traits that are very important but those are my three.

i thought this piece was pretty good as well but more expansive...think some of the 13 listed are subcomponents of above but is more expansive.