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What can get me a better chance in getting accepted into an hbcu with a low gpa?

My gpa is a 3.5 and I haven’t taken my SAT test yet, but I do not have high hopes for the score.

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Allison’s Answer

Hi Reniah!

Great question. Most universities are looking for well-rounded students. This means that not only do your grades matter, but also your test scores, community involvement, volunteer work, etc. These places like to see you as a person, not just numbers on a page. Your 3.5 GPA is a great start, work on scoring well on your SAT, and try getting involved in your community through sports, volunteering, work, service projects, and such.

Hope this helps!
Allie Huelin
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Jason’s Answer

Hey Reniah,

First I'll start by telling you that a 3.5 is actually an outstanding GPA. I'll say that a big part of applications can be extracurriculars on top of just academic success so any clubs or sports you're involved in can help greatly. I'm a fan of working things backwards so I would start by targeting which HBCU's you are interested in and making notes of what their admissions requirements are. After that you know what you are aiming for from a GPA and a SAT perspective so you can work diligently to achieve those standards if you don't already exceed them.
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Martha’s Answer

This is a good question, Reniah, and you have already gotten great advice. A few more thoughts:

- As several have said, a 3.5 GPA is reasonable to get into an HBCU. The average GPA at the more famous ones, such as Spelman and Tuskegee, may be higher. But don't give up on the college you want, especially if your grades have been improving or you could explain a dip.
- Some students like the ACT test better than the SAT. I doublechecked and UNCF schools take both. Especially if you like science, you might like the ACT better and perform better on it. There are free sample tests of both online so you can compare.
- When you think about extra-curricular's, think about quality over quantity. By that, I mean that having a few where you can show contribution and growth is more important that having a bunch where you only attend meetings.
- If you can, visit the campuses of at least a few HBCUs. This will help you clarify your criteria, demonstrate your interest in that college (a positive for admissions) and help you answer supplement questions.
I have put below a link to UNCF admissions information. It includes 37 HBCUs but there are close to 100 in the US.
Good luck!

Martha recommends the following next steps:

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Alysia’s Answer

Hello Reniah,

Your application is a reflection of your abilities, and it goes beyond just your GPA, test scores, and coursework. Your extracurricular activities add information about your character to your application, making it stand out rather than just numbers. When you're aiming for a particular major, it's beneficial to demonstrate a genuine interest in that area. Let's say you're applying for nursing. In such a case, having experience in volunteering at a hospital or a nursing home would significantly enhance your application compared to spending considerable time in neighborhood cleanup activities. While both are great extracurricular activities, one shows your interest in the area more than the other. So, let your passion shine through your application!