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why is it hard to get a job?

geting a job in usa has become very hard for Black people thus causing very much insequries bhjbvbnnbvbnnbvbjbvbjbvbhjhbvbhjhbvbjbvbjbvbhjhbvbjbvbjhbvbnjnbvbbbbbnbb

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Subject: Career question for you


3 answers

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Wayne’s Answer

Hello Sophia! Navigating the job market can be challenging, but remember, persistence is key! You have what it takes to succeed!

Here are some uplifting strategies to keep your spirits high:

- Networking is your best friend! Engage with professionals in your industry, participate in relevant events, and make the most of online platforms such as LinkedIn.
- Customize your resume and cover letter for each job you apply to, emphasizing the skills and experiences that align perfectly with the position.
- Hone your interview skills. Conduct practice interviews with friends or family, and familiarize yourself with typical interview questions.
- Don't hesitate to proactively contact companies, even if they haven't advertised any vacancies.
- Stay optimistic and determined! The perfect opportunity is just around the corner.
- Always remember, your skills and talents are precious. Don't abandon your dream career – keep striving and your efforts will pay off.

Wishing you all the best!
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Ebonie’s Answer

The journey to landing the perfect job might seem lengthy and challenging, but remember, each stride you make draws you nearer to your ultimate goal. Persistence is your secret weapon. Every rejection you encounter isn't a sign of defeat, but a stepping stone leading to personal growth. Stay committed to learning, enhancing your skills, and persistently applying for jobs. Every skill you acquire, every relationship you build, and every hurdle you conquer is setting you up for the opportunity that's just around the corner. Success may require patience, but with unwavering determination and consistent effort, you'll reach your destination. Have faith in your abilities and maintain your resilience!
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TRAVIS’s Answer

Networking is a great way to get a foot in the door. Know anyone with a job that you are curious about? Ask them what type of skills they are looking for and what a typical day looks like. If it sounds appealing, ask for them for a referral if they have job openings. Ask Chatgpt to help you create a resume 1-3 pages is fine, and school, volunteer and professional experience is fine, freelance too. Practice the STAAR interview method and apply to other jobs. Apply to 15 jobs a day. Be realistic to your work experience but be persistent. You will get a job.