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What was the change like when you changed from school life to work life?

I'm currently a high schooler and getting ready to go to college. I was wondering how different life is between a student and a worker so I could be ready for this change.

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5 answers

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Jazhel’s Answer

Great question! A lot of college students now work while they are in school. I was on the same path and focusing on the different responsibilities was a challenge. Good time management helped me to succeed both as an employee and as a student as well as keeping myself accountable. Having a healthy routine, balance, and a support system are invaluable too. Do what works best for you. Remember, challenges help us grow so don't get discouraged when you encounter obstacles and changes along the way. Best of luck in college!

Here is an article with some helpful tips:
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Karen’s Answer

Good, you are preparing for your future! If you have a part-time job or have done some volunteering, you already have a glimpse of what the work world might be like, although it can be very different for various individuals.

For me, I liked my business classes and was excited to enter the business world. Feeling confident about the choices you make will help make the transition easier. I also keep God in my pocket.

With every good wish.
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Shelly’s Answer

Transitioning from school to work life involves adjusting to a more fixed routine, increased responsibilities, and applying your skills in real-world settings. While work life has less flexibility and more accountability, it also offers opportunities for independence and professional growth. Embrace this change with confidence—your experiences as a student have prepared you well, and with adaptability and a positive attitude, you'll thrive in this new chapter. You've got this!
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Kennedy’s Answer

The most significant shift from student life to professional life is the progressive removal of safety nets. During your school years, there's usually a support system ready to assist if you're lagging behind or if there's crucial information you need. However, as you mature, you become increasingly accountable for your own life and for actively seeking out information that's pertinent to you. This is a gradual transition that you'll begin to perceive in college, but it's something you should be prepared for. Don't hesitate to lean on your support network, including family, friends, and mentors, to navigate this change successfully. Remember, every step forward is a step towards growth and self-reliance.
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Monica’s Answer

Hi Jie, trust you are fine☺️

I'm thrilled to hear you're preparing for the transition from high school to college and beyond!
My transitioning from school to work life was a significant adjustment. I learned to adapt to new routines, manage stress, and take ownership of my decisions. Key skills I developed include time management, critical thinking, and effective communication, to mention but few.

As you get ready for this exciting new chapter, I want to share some insights to help you navigate the change from school life to work life. You're Already Ahead🙌
By thinking about this transition now, you're demonstrating your proactive and thoughtful approach to life. Keep cultivating this mindset, and you'll excel in college and beyond!

The Key Differences are👇
🔑Structure: College will offer more flexibility than
high school, but work life will bring even more
🔑Accountability: In college, grades and
assignments will still matter, but in the
workforce, meeting deadlines and delivering
results will become paramount.
🔑Social dynamics: You'll interact with people
from diverse backgrounds, ages, and
experiences, broadening your network and
🔑Time management: Balancing college
coursework, extracurriculars, and personal life
will prepare you for managing work, personal
life, and self-care.
🔑Responsibility: You'll take ownership of your
decisions, actions, and outcomes.

What you are to expect👇
🧭Adapting to new routines and
🧭Managing stress and pressure
🧭Building professional
🧭Developing self-motivation and
🧭Navigating office politics and
communication styles

How to soar to greatness👇
🙏Set clear goals and priorities
🙏Develop a growth mindset,
embracing learning and
🙏Establish a routine, including
self-care and personal time
🙏Build a support network of
peers, mentors, and
🙏Stay adaptable, resilient, and
open to new experiences

You know College serves as a Bridge and as such, focus on developing essential skills like👇
📏Time management and
📏Critical thinking and problem-
📏Communication and teamwork
📏Independence and self-
📏Networking and professional

With your proactive approach, you likely possess👇
💪Strong work ethic
💪Discipline and focus
💪Curiosity and love for learning
💪Leadership potential
💪Resilience and adaptability

☺️Be patient and kind to yourself
as you adjust.
☺️Seek guidance from professors,
mentors, and professionals.
☺️Take internships, volunteer, or
part-time jobs to gain work
☺️Cultivate soft skills, like teamwork, leadership,
and adaptability.
☺️Stay curious, keep learning, and explore your

Jie, you're at the beginning of an incredible journey✈️ Stay excited😁, stay curious, and get ready to thrive in college and beyond✨