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if I wanted to go into law enforcement and got snakebite piercings would taking those out before work be okay also if I dyed the underside of my hair or got tattoos in easily hideable areas would that be okay? ?

Just wondering because I would love to get more piercings, more specifically snakebites but based off the small amount of research I have done I know facial piercings are not allowed in law enforcement according to the dress code. would taking out piercings before work/on days I'm on duty be okay or would that not be tolerated? Also would I get in trouble if I had them in while off duty? say, hanging out with work friends? Also how does this rule apply to people in the forensic unit? I'm looking to get into law enforcement like being a homicide detective or have something to do with forensics like a CSI or something and I don't know if the rules change for those different things.

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Kevin’s Answer


As mentioned, each department has its own personal hygeine requirements. I cannot speak about other agency's, but I'll share my experience and personal feelings.

Tattoos are exceptable these days, as long as they are not offensive. Some departments still require they be covered while on duty, but many allow them to be shown. They do often limit the locations of the tattoos (neck, head, face, hands). Tattoos have become part of the unofficial law enforcement culture.

Piercings are not allowed. The primary reason is safety. You cant get into a struggle and risk having piercings be ripped off. Most officers wont wear wedding rings for the same reason. That being said, there most likely would not be any policy in restricting piercings while off duty. Keep in mind, you may be in situations where you get bodily fluids on your body. Every piercing is an entry point for contaminated fluids.

As I was part of the hiring process for my department, I can give you a little insight to personal perception towards "unconventional" piercings. Being completely honest, I would not be impressed with them. I never had the situation arise, but I'm sure it would have been noted mentally in my decision making.

Hope this gives you some insight and guidance.

Kevin Czora
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Steward "Tony"’s Answer

If there are restrictions in the dept you are applying to, and they find out that you hid what you had, it would be an integrity issue which could have you fired. Its not the tats or even the body works, but the deception which snags people. Better to be up front because that would be an example of integrity. Asking for suggestions if they raise the concern would in my opinion be proper. Some states do not enforce restrictions but you would have to do the research.