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If my strengths are Creativeness along with Leadership and my hobbies are Art, Projects, and Singing, what types of careers or industries might fit me?

Industries are much bigger than careers? What forever long life job could I get aka a career to get my creative gears turning.

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Garima’s Answer

Hello Heaven,

Good question! Your mix of creativity and leadership skills opens up a lot of exciting career paths. If you’re into art, projects, and singing, here are a few industries and careers you might want to explore:

1. Creative Direction:
You could lead teams in industries like advertising, marketing, fashion, or media, helping shape the vision behind big projects.

2. Arts Management:
This combines your love for art and leadership, where you could manage art galleries, museums, or creative projects.

3. Entertainment Industry:
With your love for singing and creativity, consider careers in music production, event planning, or even managing musical artists.

4. Education:
If you're interested in teaching, you could combine creativity and leadership by teaching art, leading workshops, or running creative programs for students.

5. Project Management in Creative Fields:
Overseeing large creative projects for agencies or companies can allow you to lead while keeping your creative side active.

Here’s a fun way to help you decide which path is right for you:

Techniques to Help You Decide:

1. Ikigai (Japanese Concept):
This is all about finding the sweet spot between
• What you love
• What you’re good at
• What the world needs
• What you can get paid for.

By reflecting on these areas, you can start narrowing down your options. It’s like discovering your purpose.

2. Venn Diagram Technique:
Try drawing a Venn diagram with three circles:

• What you enjoy (art, projects, singing)
• Your skills (creativity, leadership)
• Job market demand (what jobs are out there in industries like media, education, or project management)

Where these circles overlap could point to careers that fit your strengths and interests.

You can also explore some free Courses:

1. Creative Direction & Project Management:
FutureLearn offers a free "Creative Problem Solving" course.

2. Arts Management:
Coursera has free courses like "Introduction to Project Management" or "Managing the Arts."

3. Music and Entertainment:
Berklee College of Music offers free introductory courses on edX, such as "Music Production."

4. Leadership & Personal Development:
You can try courses like “Creative Leadership” on LinkedIn Learning (free for a month).

Exploring these courses will give you a taste of what excites you and where you could envision yourself thriving. These are just a few ideas, but think of industries like media, entertainment, education, or even tech startups that often thrive on innovation.

I hope this helps.
Best of luck on your journey!
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Gabriela’s Answer

If you’re strong in creativity and leadership, and love art, projects, and singing, you’d really thrive in roles that let you blend those passions. Here are some career paths you might want to explore in marketing, tech, and creative industries:

Careers to Think About:
Creative Director: You’d get to lead creative teams and drive big ideas in marketing or tech.
Product Manager: Oversee product development where your creativity and vision can shine.
Brand Manager: Shape a brand’s image and voice with your creative strategies.
Social Media Strategist: Build fun, engaging content and campaigns that connect with audiences.

Gabriela recommends the following next steps:

Tips to Help You Get There: Start Building a Portfolio: Whether it's side projects or small gigs, show your creative work and leadership skills in action. Network: Get out there! Go to industry events, join groups, and connect with people who can help open doors. Pick Up Some New Skills: Learn design tools like Photoshop or Figma, or even take a course in product management or marketing—it’ll make you more versatile.
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Austin’s Answer

Hello and good morning
Well it seems to me that with the qualifications you have in creativeness and leadership, you ought to be able to apply those in the hobbies that you have and I believe that that would help you a whole lot because you going to need to be creative and have great leadership abilities to do the hobbies that you have and Guess what, you going to need all of that creativity and them leadership abilities if you plan on doing anything in the arts so you better keep what you got and make yourself strong because it gets rocky from here on out!! God bless.
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Kim’s Answer

Hello Heaven,

Life is full of changes, and we're in a time of great technological change that's affecting businesses and economies, so I'd suggest going easy on yourself when trying to identify a "permanent" career. These days, data tells us that the average person will change careers 5-7 times over their work life, so there's a good chance you will too.

Leadership and interpersonal skills--especially empathy and communication--are vital for success in all careers, so that's a big plus for you. There are some good suggestions for specific roles here.

If you're planning on going to college or university, you might consider a double major, like organizational development and studio art or music. I think Susan's suggestion to take singing lessons and/or art classes is a great one. No matter what, they'll enrich your life and might help you get a clearer sense of where you want to go.

I like Gabriela's suggestion too. Throughout my working life, I've always tried to find a way to combine my skills, interests, and experience--as well as opportunities to keep learning and growing. Stay open and curious, and you'll go far!
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Susan’s Answer

There are so many options, so you’ll need to narrow down what you love most. Is it singing, or art? If it’s art you could start by taking some classes at community college to find out what you are interested in doing. Do you want to illustrate for books or magazines? Or are you interested in teaching art? Or maybe you’re good at technical art which could lead you to medical illustration or even computer graphic art.

Susan recommends the following next steps:

Sign up for an art class or 2 at community college
Take lessons in singing if that’s your first choice.
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Steward "Tony"’s Answer

You used the word “IF” which would only provide speculative answers. As a leadership professional retired from F-100 environments, it never really helps to speculate.

First and foremost what gave you the impression that you have leadership potential? If your strengths are also creativeness, how did that get recognized? Hobbies in Art, Projects (?), and Singing, what types are you recognize for?

Asking for advice is awesome but not without first laying out what direction you would enjoy working for the rest of your life first.

Not preparing can lead you into the industry of boredom, a day by day trek into the abyss of drudgery. What kind of life would that be.

We all have some ego when young because we have no idea what a responsible future looks like from the novice level. So here’s my advice!

Spend some time with yourself visualizing the next five years of your life. Choose each of those hobbies and narrow down the two that gives you joy.

Research industries that match your hobbies and soon you will have a career in mind. Your happiness and that of the family you may one day acquire will benefit greatly. Industries come and go but talent can only build, leading you in many directions within the same entertainment venues you love.

Learn about money & finance and ask advice from us again once you have narrowed down these ideas. Live your life, not the life of others.

Leadership training would help so start with books and videos in personal development.

You’re going to have a great ride but you must do the work, the research and open the doors when the knocks start coming.