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Road to becoming a registered nurse?

Im currently in Job corp to get my CMA and planning on getting my CNA in the local college what are the next steps after this? what jobs are available to me as CNA/CMA while I get my RN?

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John’s Answer

Kudos to you for being a valued member of the Jobs Corp and for bravely choosing to venture further into the medical profession.

The roles you can potentially take on as a CMA / CNA are mainly located in physicians' offices, hospitals, and care facilities such as nursing homes. Each setting may come with a different set of tasks and responsibilities, but rest assured, the pay scale for both CMA and CNA roles is quite comparable.

If you're on the verge of acquiring your CMA certification, you might want to think about advancing directly to the RN program instead of opting for a CNA program. The RN program, which culminates in an Associate Degree, only spans two years and opens up a plethora of opportunities for you, all of which come with a significantly higher pay scale. You can continue to work as a CMA while you study, and many employers even provide tuition aid or reimbursement for employees keen on advancing their careers. Once you've earned your RN, you have the option to continue your studies and earn a BSN or MSN. Many employers offer benefits such as tuition reimbursement or assistance to help cover the cost of these degrees.

I wholeheartedly wish you success as you continue to navigate your path in this rewarding field.