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How can i make sure i have a good career?

How can i make sure i have a great career.

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Adit’s Answer

For a flourishing career, consider these vital steps:

Establish Defined Goals: Pinpoint your ultimate career objectives. Divide these into manageable, attainable milestones to monitor your journey.

Enhance Skills: Consistently upgrade your technical and interpersonal abilities through education. Keep pace with your industry's developments by enrolling in courses, participating in workshops, or earning certifications.

Connect: Forge bonds with professionals in your field through networking events, LinkedIn, and mentorships. Networking unveils fresh opportunities and perspectives.

Pursue Feedback: Frequently seek feedback from superiors or colleagues to identify areas for enhancement.

Flexibility: Embrace flexibility and be open to change. As industries progress, the capacity to shift and adapt to new technologies or roles will maintain your relevance.

Balance Work and Life: Strive for equilibrium to prevent exhaustion. A balanced work-life routine will guarantee long-term career endurance.

By concentrating on personal development, maintaining flexibility, and cultivating significant relationships, you'll lay the groundwork for a fulfilling career.
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Tarik’s Answer

Hello Jeremy!

Here are three essential elements that have played a significant role in shaping my career:

• Devote yourself to doing exceptionally well in your current position. This commitment can create a solid foundation for your career progression, opening doors to subsequent roles and associated opportunities.
• Establish precise objectives for the job you're aiming to land next. Afterward, focus on charting the course to reach there by acquiring the necessary skills and opportunities that will make you a strong candidate for it.
• Engage in meaningful conversations with colleagues and people in your network to gain valuable insights into their career journeys. This will help you expand your understanding of various professions, potentially sparking interest in advancing into a career in those fields.
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Rebecca’s Answer

Thank you for your question. The good career is the career you have interest.
Below are my suggestions:
1. Think about your hobbies, favourite subjects, etc and identify the related careers
Eg, if you like music, would you like to be a musician, singer, musical artist, music composer, music producer, etc
If you have interest in maths, would you like to be an accountant, engineer, banker, financial analyst, maths teacher, etc
2. Find out more on these careers and determine what you have interest
3. Speak to someone who are working in these careers. Seek guidance from your mentor, school career counselor, your parents, etc
4. Shortlist 1-2 careers you would like to pursue
5. Explore the entry criteria of relevant subjects in colleges
Hope this helps!
Good luck!
May Almighty God bless you!
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Kennedy’s Answer

Hi Jeremy, great question! What it means to have a "good/great" career is something that only you can answer. Good is a subjective measurement and what seems good to one person might be horrible to the next. To measure your fulfilment and compensation for a career, it's important to take inventory of what your true interests, passions, and skills are. The next step would be identifying which careers align with those metrics. Lastly, you would want to research and network with professionals to understand what it takes to be successful in that role. Knowing these things will lead you to a better understanding of what a "good" career looks like for you.
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Quantise’s Answer

You may want to start by evaluating yourself. What are your personality traits, hobbies that you enjoy and interest in? What are you passionate about in life? In order to have a rewarding career, you want to be involved in a career that you’re excited about or rather, when you wake up in the morning, you’re happy to be involved in. You know this is what you’re meant to do. For example, you love helping people, you don’t like to see anyone hurt/injured, empathetic, detail-oriented, you may believe you would make an excellent nurse. You only have so many hours in the day, you want to fulfill them with something you’re passionate about.

You may want to take a personality/career assessment test to help you out. Here is one (for free) Career test - Fast Free Career Aptitude Test

Also, I don’t know what stage you’re in life but if you’re in high school or junior high, take advantage of guidance counselors. If you’re in college, take advantage of your career services. They will more than likely help you out. In addition to helping you choose your career path, they will help you with your resume, cover letter, and prep for the interview.

In addition, to have a rewarding career. Set goals, challenge yourself, develop a schedule, track your achievements, skills, and accomplishments, develop a growth and development mindset and work with a company that has a great culture and fits your values. You want to be involved in a company that has great morale, you have fun and good rapport with your co-workers and proud to be a part of. It is up to you how you can make your career exciting; it has to mirror your personality. What drives you and it’s up to you how you go about it.

You seem very smart and know you will have a rewarding career. Just note that, everyone will undergo challenges, just don’t get frustrated and give up. Take a cool and collective attitude and learn from them. This will help you grow stronger.

Best of luck!
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Joseph’s Answer

Hello Jeremy!

Having a good or great career depends upon your definition of those terms. Growing up, the definition of what a successful career looked like was one where you devoted all of your time to the company and did not get to enjoy life until retirement. That was not the career journey I wanted. Do some introspections; what skills come to you with the most ease, which ones frustrate you? For me, I loved literature and social issues classes because they came to me with ease, and I fought with math. As it turns out, I love using Microsoft Excel. Putting those pieces together I worked for years as an Outlier Manager investigating gaps in performance based in human behavior, collected data, and rendered reports to illustrate what needed to be done to improve, thus merging what came easy with a challenge.

Benefits are also a large proponent of a great career. Are the benefits things that you resonate with? Working from home, working hybrid, versus working in office can make a difference when trying to find a work life balance. Are there benefits that allow you to pursue further education, travel, or whatever else you want out of life? Does your career allow you to fuel your passions? Asking for help on where to start is the hardest part of the journey, the rest is just magic of making it happen.
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Avinash’s Answer

Making sure you have a good career is all about finding the right balance between what you love, what you’re good at, and what the world needs. It's not just about landing a job or making money—it's about building something meaningful that brings you joy and fulfillment every day.

The first step is self-awareness. Understand what drives you. Take some time to reflect on your passions, strengths, and the skills that come naturally to you. This is where career counselling can be a great tool—helping you gain insights into where you fit in the professional world, uncovering hidden talents, or even showing you paths you hadn’t considered.

Remember, a successful career doesn’t always follow a straight line. Be patient with yourself. It's okay if you take a few detours or switch paths along the way. The key is to keep learning and growing. Build a network of supportive people who can mentor you, celebrate your wins, and guide you through challenges.

Lastly, believe in your journey. Sometimes, the toughest days are the ones that bring you closest to your goals. Stay open to new opportunities, and always remember why you started—because that passion will carry you through, no matter what.