Jackie Lipnicki
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How much education should you include in a CV / resume?
Hi, I was wondering what the amount of education that should be included in a resume / CV. I was always under the impression that everything should be included, so in my case as a student in the UK, I would include everything from my GCSE's, A-Levels and then my university / college degree....

Which major should I go for to get my dream job?
I’m starting college in the fall and I’m going for a double major. My end goal is to help find sex trafficking victims online. I’m not interested or capable of doing field work. I’ll be going for computer sciences but I can’t decide if social work or criminal justice would be the right way to...

What do you wish you knew before going to college and deciding your major?
I have one more year left of high school and am currently looking into colleges and majors to decide where I will be applying to in the fall. As excited as I am for the future, I am very new to all of this and want to make the right decisions when it comes to paying for college, choosing the...

To have a successfull business do you have to be rich?
#business #Sales #Agents #Financial # #finance #Services

What is the most important soft skill for someone pursuing a career in sales managing?
My name is Tyler, I am in 12th grade at Pioneer Valley Regional School in Western Massachusetts. In my money managing class we are doing a unit to help widen our range of possible careers to pursue in college. As a result of my research and career quizzes, a potential career that came up for me...

For Business Development/Partnerships/Strategy professionals in Tech or Business: what type of skills, methodologies, and frameworks have you developed over time in order to do well in your job and have a positive impact towards your organization?
I’m currently a senior @ Rutgers University studying IT & Entrepreneurship. Highly interested in starting a career in the business side of Tech and would like to one day lead the transaction of billion dollar deals and market partnerships. #business #entrepreneur #strategy #business development...