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Alireza Tavasoli’s Avatar

Alireza Tavasoli

Child Neurologist
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
8 Answers
4803 Reads
71 Karma

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chize’s Avatar
chize Feb 20, 2018 1000 views

Hello, I am 13 years old and I want to become a pediatrician but I get confused with the terms like bachelors degree, PhD, residency etc. but I want to start planning out my life or at least the career part and I want you to explain to me

Hello, I am 13 years old and I want to become a pediatrician but I get confused with the terms like bachelors degree, PhD, residency etc. but I want to start planning out my life or at least the career part and I want you to explain to me exactly in details what those terms are and other...

Makayla’s Avatar
Makayla May 10, 2020 567 views

Will a sub specialty affect how long it takes to become a pediatrician?

Will you have to finish your sub specialty's course to be able to graduate or can you start your residency while learning? #pediatrician #medicine #medical

Jeff’s Avatar
Jeff May 16, 2020 628 views

When is the best time to have a child if I want to be a doctor?

#medicine #premed

Jane’s Avatar
Jane May 16, 2020 705 views

How did you know you wanted to become a doctor?

#doctor #medicine #healthcare #medical

Jeff’s Avatar
Jeff May 16, 2020 659 views

Can I have a child in med school?

#medicine #premed

Jeff’s Avatar
Jeff May 16, 2020 927 views

Should I take anatomy in college to prepare for med school?

#medicine #premed

Yaw’s Avatar
Yaw Apr 23, 2020 781 views

Is it possible to do Medicine without A level biology?

Hello, My name is Yaw and I am year 13 student from London. I have applied to do pharmacy next year at UCL and King'c College London. My original aim however was to study medicine. I do A level Physics, Chemistry and Maths. Would it be possible to study medicine later on in life or not?...