Olivia’s Career Goals
I would like to do national security research for the government or a think tank to contribute towards more effective policy making in the United States.

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What is it like to be a music minor?
I’m not sure how common this is, but I would like to minor in music. This is primarily for my own enjoyment and to take advantage of my time in college for structured growth in a hobby I love. What classes and assignments do you get? What is a typically day or week like? #GivingisCaring #music...

What is it like to be a politics or government major?
I am looking at being some type of lawyer. This is often the most related major a lot of colleges have. I’m curious to know the kinds of classes and assignments people with this major typically have. #GivingisCaring #college #university #major #government #lawyer #college-major #choosing-a-major

What is your best advice for minimizing student debt going into college?
I am currently a junior in high school. This is around the time when I am doing more research on colleges and solidifying my list for visits in the coming months and applications in senior year. #GivingisCaring #college #university #studentdebt

How many scholarships did you apply for?
Scholarships outside of packages given by the schools whether it be essay, ethnicity, subject/major, or other types of scholarships. #GivingisCaring #scholarships #college #university

What can I do to increase the change of a full ride scholarship?
Or bigger scholarships in general. I know they're very hard to come by, but academics are a strength of mine so I figured I'd might as well see how I could continue to increase my potential of one.
#college #scholarship #college-advice #college-admissions

What is early decision/application?
#college #college-admissions #college-applications

Should I work/intern during the school year in college or wait until summer?
#college #internship #work

What are good majors if I'm thinking about law school?
#law #college #college-major

What is NROTC like in college?
I have an interest in temporarily joining the military after college. I also want to go to law school at some point. #college #military #law #navy