Sappir Golan
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What's the best way to avoid getting distracted when studying?

What are some good habits to start when attending college?
I'm asking this because I would like some advice on how to start college without being too stressed or overwhelmed. #college-advice

What are some jobs for people who are caring not in the medical field?
#medicine #medical #career

What to do about college during a global pandemic?
I am currently an incoming senior in college questioning weather or not my college degree and education is going to be worth the amount of time money and effort I have put forth due to a declineing / halted / depressed economic job market as well as schools being unable to educated students...

Would you suggest taking a year to study abroad?
I absolutely love adventuring and the outdoors. I am part of the choir program and I have been a dancer for the last 14 years. I am totally a nature and science nerd! #science #study-abroad