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Karen Cross’s Avatar

Karen Cross

UX Design manager
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Redwood City, California
3 Answers
1598 Reads
1 Karma

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Nicoletta’s Avatar
Nicoletta Aug 18, 2018 637 views

What are colleges and employers looking for in art portfolios?

I'm putting together an art portfolio to apply for college animation programs, and I'm wondering what I can do to make mine stand out and improve its overall quality. Also, does it matter what order you present your work in? Thanks! #art #design

Claudette’s Avatar
Claudette May 29, 2018 780 views

Is there still age discrimination in the workforce?

I have read that for people over 50 it is hard to find a job. What are the chances of me finding a good job after graduation based on my age?
#discrimination, #experiencevsyouth #experience #workforce #environment

Evelyn’s Avatar
Evelyn Feb 26, 2015 1651 views

What jobs are available in the computer field?

Ive always been interested in the the computrer, graphic design etc field but I am not sure about what jobs there actually are in the field. What are some computer jobs? #computer-science #graphic-design #web-design #computer-savvy