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Betina Williams’s Avatar

Betina Williams

Director - Account Management
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Islandia, New York
5 Answers
8021 Reads
2 Karma

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Lily’s Avatar
Lily Aug 26, 2020 942 views

How many years of collage do you suggest to someone looking for a job as a Travel Agent?

A high school student
A senior
#Travel Agents

Megha’s Avatar
Megha Jul 24, 2020 3121 views

I need a job that allow me to travel around the world.Or jobs that are adventurous.please guide me...l love to travel a lot

#travel #food #cooking #entertainment-industry #entertainment-industry

tori’s Avatar
tori May 09, 2020 2773 views

How can I have a career with traveling ?

I am a sophomore in high school . As of now , I don't know my purpose in life. I honestly just want to travel the world , make money and be happy. How could I travel as a full time job? #travel #career #money

Ryan’s Avatar
Ryan May 11, 2020 1426 views

Could I find a career that also allows me to internationally travel and be able to work in a outdoor environment?

I like to travel. #travel #career #work