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Mendon, Massachusetts
5 Questions
501 Karma

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Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel May 26, 2020 669 views

What does it mean to be a material science engineer?

I am a senior in high school and I have applied to college as an undecided engineering major. I read an article on material science engineering and I am very intrigued about this field of engineering. #engineering #college #material-science-engineering #undecided

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Rachel May 26, 2020 1317 views

What is the difference between electrical and computer engineering?

I am a senior in high school and I have applied to college as an undecided engineering major. I have found some interest in electrical engineering but the more I research electrical engineering the more I start to realize that computer engineering is pretty similar. I know that there are...

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Rachel May 26, 2020 708 views

What does it mean to be an electrical engineer?

I am a senior in high school and I applied to college as an undecided engineering major. I have watched numerous videos provided by colleges on what each field of engineering entails and what really interested me was electrical engineering. I am curious about what an electrical engineer does...

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Rachel May 26, 2020 992 views

How will I know when a specific field of engineering is for me?

I am a senior in high school and I have applied to numerous colleges for engineering. My only problem is that I applied undecided engineering and after hearing numerous colleges talk about the different fields of engineering they offer, I still can't seem to lean towards a field that I like. I...

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Rachel May 26, 2020 851 views

What basic knowledge do you need in order to pursue a future in engineering?

I am a senior in high school and I took numerous AP classes in my junior and senior years. During my senior year, I took AP Calc BC, AP Physics, and AP Computer Science. Were these classes enough to get me started in being an engineer? Also, what should I take in college to further help me...