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Nidhi Tare’s Avatar

Nidhi Tare

Software Engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Natick, Massachusetts
2 Answers
3132 Reads
41 Karma

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Alora’s Avatar
Alora May 27, 2020 1785 views

Which major should I go for to get my dream job?

I’m starting college in the fall and I’m going for a double major. My end goal is to help find sex trafficking victims online. I’m not interested or capable of doing field work. I’ll be going for computer sciences but I can’t decide if social work or criminal justice would be the right way to...

Kelly’s Avatar
Kelly Jun 02, 2020 1488 views

How to ask for references?

I've been applying for volunteer and job positions for the summers and ALL of them require references and past employers. Although I have a strong list of teachers and a few past employers, my list is pretty short. (All my positions were long term, I have more quality than quantity) I feel bad...