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Becky Owens’s Avatar

Becky Owens

Dynamic Facilities Designer + Planner + Manager
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations
Stony Brook, New York
2 Answers
5847 Reads
16 Karma

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Mitchell’s Avatar
Mitchell Sep 14, 2016 4726 views

What is the best way to improve your public speaking skills?

Public speaking is basically my biggest fear in the entire world. I pretty much try dodging every obstacle possible when it comes to this topic. This is a strong phobia of mine that just eats away at me. If I were to practice speaking when I know I have a presentation or something big coming up...

U'Quanla’s Avatar
U'Quanla Mar 03, 2016 1114 views

What opportunities are available for people who want to be in the Interior Design career?

I live in Charlotte, NC and there aren't many open opportunities for younger people under 18. It's very hard to learn about different events or clubs that are happening in Charlotte so I never really know about things that relate to my interest. #design #interior #decorator