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Athena’s Avatar


San Jose, California
24 Questions
1923 Karma

Athena’s Career Goals

I am certain that I want to be in the medical field. I can't see myself doing anything else. My goal is to go to medical school and become a doctor. I believe that all the studying and hard work will pay off in the end. I love science, and working with others!


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Athena’s Avatar
Athena May 03, 2022 1853 views

do you regret going into computer science?

for those who are software engineers- is there work life balance? is working on a computer for most of the day draining?

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Athena Mar 25, 2022 696 views

if you're a physician assistant in CA, can you please answer some questions?

I'm super interested in this career. here are just a few questions I have about it: 1. is there many job opportunities? or is it hard to find a job? 2. how is work-life balance? 3. are you happy with your job? 4. what are some of the 'best/worst' specialities, according to what you've heard or...

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Athena Mar 25, 2022 2575 views

Do you like being a physician assistant? What are the pros and cons?

I'm currently a high school senior. College decisions are coming out right now, but most likely I'm going to UC Davis in the fall :)

I want to be in the medical field. I'm curious about what this job is like.

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Athena Apr 11, 2021 911 views

What are some of the best premed schools? (that don't have insane acceptance rates)

I am a junior in high school currently compiling my list of colleges I'm going to apply to next year. I want to be premed, and hopefully get into medical school one day. I've been doing a lot of research lately, and I learned that choosing a good school for premed is actually really important...

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Athena Apr 11, 2021 700 views

Are UC (University of California) schools not preferable for premed?

I read something online that UC schools aren't the best for premed because of the amount of students that attend the schools, and because of the harsh grading curve. Is this true? Should I consider applying to other schools such as University of Washington? #doctor #premed #medical_school...

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Athena Apr 03, 2021 1287 views

What is a doctor's work schedule like?

Vacation days? How many hours/days a week? Amount of stress? How would this schedule compare to that of a nurse practitioner? #nurse #doctor #medicine #nurse-practitioner #pediatrician

Athena’s Avatar
Athena Apr 03, 2021 1537 views

What is social life like during premed and medical school?

What are your experiences going into medicine? I've been watching a lot of youtube videos lately, and everyone that I've watched so far spends practically the whole day studying. Is medical school actually non stop studying? I do understand that medical school is hard, but there has to be some...

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Athena Apr 02, 2021 718 views

What should I major in if I want to go to medical school?

Hello, my name is Athena and I am currently a junior in high school. As implied, I'm going to be applying to colleges soon (wow, time really does fly!). I'm actually doing dual-enrollment at my local community college, since I know med school takes a long time. I should be done with my GED...

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Athena Apr 02, 2021 1588 views

What are all the steps to becoming a pediatrician?

Hello, my name is Athena and I am currently a junior in high school. Ever since kindergarten I've wanted to be a "kid doctor". I've always enjoyed the sciences more than anything else. However, I'm not really sure how to become a pediatrician. I think you have to get your undergrad degree...

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Athena Aug 22, 2020 1235 views

What was/is your experience been in nursing school? How would you describe it?

Hello! I am a rising junior in high school, and I am certain that going into nursing is something I want to do. More specifically, I want to get my BSN, become a registered nurse, then get my masters and become a nurse practitioner (specialize in sports medicine or orthopedics). I am curious...

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Athena Jul 02, 2020 743 views

How can I get accepted into nursing school straight from high school?

Hello, I am currently a rising junior in high school. I am very interested in nursing, and becoming an RN. I want to obtain a BSN, and later my masters because I want to specialize in sports medicine or orthopedics. I am currently interning at a rehab facility, and want to find some volunteer...

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Athena Jul 02, 2020 56330 views

Can I go straight to nursing school after I graduate high school? (If so, how can I get in?)

Hello, I am currently a rising junior in high school. I am very interested in nursing, and becoming an RN. I want to obtain a BSN, and later my masters because I want to specialize in sports medicine or orthopedics. I believe I read somewhere that you can go straight to nursing school right...

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Athena Jun 25, 2020 815 views

What are all the steps in becoming a registered nurse?

Hello! I am a rising junior in high school, and I am very interested in nursing. However, I am not sure how to get there. Do I apply to nursing school straight from high school, or do I go to any college and receive my BSN, THEN go to nursing school to become a RN? How about my master's degree,...

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Athena Jun 17, 2020 1535 views

What are good colleges in California that have great nursing schools?

Hello! I am a rising junior in high school and am interested in going into the medical field, more specifically nursing (possibly a nurse practitioner). I live in California, and want to go to college here. #nursing #college #nurse #healthcare #medicine

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Athena Jun 17, 2020 873 views

What are the differences between a nurse practitioner and a physician assistant?

Hello, I am a rising junior in high school who is interested in going into the medical field. However, I don't know what I want to be yet. I am currently looking into both of these careers. Which job in your opinion is "better" (in all aspects: salary, job opportunities, hours, etc.) #medicine...