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Laura Neff’s Avatar

Laura Neff

Full Stack Developer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
New York, New York
4 Answers
9748 Reads
31 Karma

Active Locations

Ralph’s Avatar
Ralph Mar 02, 2020 1067 views

What benefits are provided working in information technology?

#technology #information-technology #tech #programmer #programming #computer

Calleigh’s Avatar
Calleigh Jun 15, 2020 5235 views

What job should I get?

I like math and finance. #finance

Isabella’s Avatar
Isabella Jun 15, 2020 1333 views

What are the possible careers one can pursue after majoring in environmental studies?

I am interested in studying environmental studies and dance in college and was wondering what careers others have pursued after earning a degree in environmental studies. How were you offered a job opportunity? What kind of resources were available to you during college that helped you prepare...

Shuaibu’s Avatar
Shuaibu Jun 15, 2020 2427 views

if im studying medicine and im not very good at biology what should\can i do

#medicine #biology #doctor #doctor