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Alison Thornton’s Avatar

Alison Thornton

Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
Chicago, Illinois
2 Answers
13245 Reads
1 Karma

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Mireia’s Avatar
Mireia Jan 17, 2018 5105 views

What personally helped you decide what major/career to pursue?

I'm a high school senior who still is not sure of what major/career to pursue and would really appreciate guidance and personal experience about when and how you decided on your path. #career #career-counseling #career-development #job #careers #changing-careers #expert #advice #career-paths...

Tien’s Avatar
Tien Apr 27, 2020 9141 views

What should I choose between Technology or Business , I prefer both but which is more benefit and easy to get the job irl ?

I always chasing my dream since it no more my dreams then it will be my goal #success #business #technology #career