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Lynchburg, Virginia
4 Questions
261 Karma

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Toluwanimi Jun 25, 2020 837 views

Should I attend a U.S DO med school or one of the top two Caribbean MD schools?

I am international student currently in the U.S on an F-1 student visa. I need to know how my residency placement will be affected especially as a non-US IMG coming from the Caribbeans. #medical-school

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Toluwanimi Jun 23, 2020 870 views

Do you need an iPad + stylus to be successful in the med school in the US?

I frequently watch "day in the life of a med student" videos on YouTube and every med student seems to have one. #medicine #doctor

Toluwanimi’s Avatar
Toluwanimi Jun 22, 2020 1947 views

What are the different pathways to becoming a sports medicine physician?

I have a B.S in Biochemistry. love sports and I hope to combine my passion for sports with my desire to be a doctor. Are there other fields of medicine other than Orthopedic surgery that afford me the opportunity to work with professional athletes? #medicine #sports #sportsmedicine

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Toluwanimi Jun 17, 2020 1641 views

What are the best medical specialties for extroverts

I am a biochemistry graduate with strong interpersonal skills. I am applying to medical schools and I am gathering all the information possible.
#medical-school #healthcare #MD#DO