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Zhijian Huang’s Avatar

Zhijian Huang

Software Engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
San Francisco, California
5 Answers
14292 Reads
1 Karma

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Jane’s Avatar
Jane Jun 19, 2020 2706 views

What is the most useful minor to pair with a Cog Sci major?

#cogsci #cognitive-science #cs #major #choosing-a-major #college-major #college-minor #computer-science #psychology #neuroscience

Deanicia’s Avatar
Deanicia Oct 28, 2016 11256 views

Should I talk about my failures when being interviewed for a job?

I read an article about how a recruiter who interviews students got an answer of "I expect failure" from one of the students. Then they went and wrote an article on how this answer was amazing. Should I do the same and state some failures like struggles in class or should I keep that to myself....

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Aug 22, 2018 1259 views

How long should I study for classes?

How long should I study for classes like math and english. Im kind of bad at math so would an hour be good?

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Apr 18, 2018 1940 views

Is a dual major in Computer Science and Math a good combination?

I'm currently graduating from community college, ready to transfer to the university. My associates will be in Java. Are math and computer science a good dual major? I'm also minoring in education. #stem #stem-education #java #math #mathematics #computer-science #computer-programming...

Carmen’s Avatar
Carmen May 27, 2018 1323 views

What are some different career choices for a future in mathematics or science?

I am really good at math and it is one of my favorite subjects in school, as well as science. The only one I can think of is an actuary, and that type of job seems like it would get boring after doing the same thing for years. #Math #Mathematics #Actuary